Thursday, December 26, 2019
6th Grade Science Fair Projects
Ideas for 6th-grade science fair projects can be a challenge to conceive. Projects need to be sophisticated and elaborate enough to show complex thinking but not so complex that they would be impossible for a sixth-grader to execute. These are topics and experiments suitable for upper-grade school or entry-level middle school. General Project Ideas The ideas in this section and the following one are phrased as questions because that is generally how schools require sixth-grade students to announce their projects, as a question, or hypothesis, to be tested and answered. What types of fruits or vegetables are suitable for making a battery?Which apps run down a cell phone battery most quickly or use up a lot of data. This is a good project for making attractive graphs.How much paper is required to register for school? Can you propose a way to streamline the process to make it more environmentally friendly? Would this process save time or money?What exactly does a vacuum cleaner pick up? Use a magnifying glass or microscope to look at the contents of a bag or canister. What types of material are not picked up?Does coloring carbonated water change how its taste is perceived?How long does it take for milk to go bad refrigerated and unrefrigerated? What about juice?Do all crayons have the same melting points? Why or why not?Do different types of carbonated sodas have different pH? Do you think this can affect tooth decay?What types of fruits, vegetables, and flowers can be used to make a pH indicator? Make some indicator solution, write up a protocol, and test home chemicals to explore the color range of your solution.Can you tell different brands of soda pop apart based on taste?Do some plants grow better inside than outside? More Complex Projects The projects in this section tend to be slightly more complex than those suggested in the previous section. They are still appropriate for sixth-grade science fair projects but may take more steps and/or time to execute. What type of air freshener makes a school bus smell best to the greatest number of students?Which type of water contains the lowest amount of chlorine?What type of insulation holds in heat the best?Do different types of knots affect the breaking strength of a rope?Does wiping a doorknob with an antibacterial wipe really reduce the numbers of bacteria? Does using hand sanitizer really reduce the amount of bacteria on your hands?How do different flame retardants affect the flammability and burning rate of cotton?Which cooking method results in the least loss of vitamin C?Does temperature affect the maximum size you can inflate a balloon?Does the color of a crayon affect how long of a line it will write?Does changing the temperature affect how long a pen will last?Do all types of bread mold at the same rate? Tips and Hints By the sixth grade, students should have a good understanding of the steps of the scientific method. The best science fair project ideas will be ones with a hypothesis that is tested by an experiment. Then, the student decides whether to accept or reject the hypothesis and draws a conclusion. This is also a good grade level for presenting data in graphs and charts. Parents and teachers need to understand that sixth-graders still need help with ideas, especially finding ideas that use materials that are readily available and that can be completed within the allotted time frame. One way to come up with a good idea is to look around the house and find topics a sixth-grader may have questions about. Brainstorm these questions and find ones that can be written as a testable hypothesis.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Is The Majority, Hurts The Minority - 2285 Words
Hope Young ENGL 3200 Sister Marie 6 April 2016 Defund the majority, hurts the minority A teenager has just received the news of her pregnancy. She is not prepared and did not expect to get pregnant, especially at such a young age. Her mind begins racing of her parents’ disappointment, the judgmental remarks and looks she will receive, and if she is mentally and financially ready to take care of baby. She has many options that she can choose from, such as to keep the baby, adoption, and lastly to abort the baby. Many women face having unwanted pregnancies every year and have to face tough choices like the young girl above. What would you do? When facing an unwanted pregnancy Many go to their doctors or loved ones for help. The majority of those who do not want to keep their baby turn to Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood has gained a bad reputation because they perform abortion services. Individuals who are against abortion are strongly against planned parenthood and often protest outside local clinics. Although planned parenthood is known for their abortion service, they offer many other services that are important to society’s needs such as STD/ STI testing and contraception. In my paper I will be talking about how Planned Parenthood is helpful to individuals, political views on abortion, and the effects of defunding Planned Parenthood. Title X is part of the United States Public Health Service Act (Naral, n.d.). Title X is part of Federal program that is devotedShow MoreRelatedThe Treatment Of Minorities During The United States1576 Words  | 7 PagesThe Treatment of Minorities In the United States minorities are denied equal opportunities based on race and ethnicity in work, housing, and education this should change. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Background on Monetary Policy in Thailand free essay sample
To explain about Domestic Monetary Policy and External Monetary Policy, The last target in the economy is output and price. M increase means expansionary monetary policy and M decrease mean tight monetary policy. Expansionary monetary policy aims to increase aggregate demand and economic growth in the economy. It involves cutting interest rates or increasing the money supply to boost economic activity. In Domestic monetary policy, lower interest rates make it cheaper to borrow; this encourages firms to invest and consumers to spend. Moreover, it reduces the cost of mortgage interest repayments. This gives households greater disposable income and encourages spending. Lower interest rates reduce the incentive to save. However, in external monetary policy, using expansionary monetary policy reduce the value of baht according to lower interest rate making exports cheaper and increase export demand. So, the demand of good and service in the overall economy will increase. Excess demand of good and service will adjust price to increase also. Monetary policy framework The monetary policy framework in Thailand can be divided into three periods as follows. The ? st monetary policy regime was the pegged exchange rate. This regime had been adopted after the Second World War. However, when a greater degree of international capital ? ow has been allowed; a monetary policy regime with ? xed exchange rate became one factor that led the country to an excessive external borrowing and ? nancial instability afterwards. After letting the baht ? oat on the July 2, 1997; the Bank of Thailand had initially maintained high short-term interest rates as one mechanism that aimed at preventing the baht from substantial depreciation. Simultaneously, the Bank of Thailand started targeting monetary aggregates within a ? nancial programming approach to ensure macroeconomic consistency and to achieve price stability and sustainable economic growth as well. Therefore, daily liquidity management was pursued in order to prevent excessive volatility interest rate and to ensure that there was enough liquidity in the Thai ? nancial system. Later on, when Thailand had exited the IMF program; the Bank of Thailand formally adopted in? ation targeting in May 2000. The change in monetary policy framework resulted partly from the fact that the Bank found less stable relationship between money supply and output growth. Moreover, the Bank also reappraised its domestic and external environment and found that monetary targeting would not appropriate for the Thai economy anymore. Under the third regime of monetary framework, an in? ation targeting, the Bank implements its monetary policy by in? uencing short-term money market rates through the selected key policy rate. The Bank of Thailand currently uses the 14-day repurchase rate as its policy rate. The Monetary Policy Committee signals shifts in monetary policy stance through an announcement of change in the key policy rate. The in? ation targeting allows Thai monetary policy to be able to cope with shocks in the domestic economy without relying on a relationship between money and in? ation. Moreover, as a range of in? ation is announced to the public; this target has become one of the means to communicate to the public. The more transparent the communication; the more accountability could be achieved as in? ation targeting provides a commitment to the public. Thus, economic agents could incorporate information on in? ation into their decision-making process. In addition, the public could easily observe the effects of Bank of Thailand policy implementation; the success of the implementation will lead to greater credibility earned by the Bank of Thailand. Under in? ation targeting framework, when there is an increasing in an aggregate demand which eventually in? uences general price level; the monetary authority would tighten a monetary policy. Consequently, in? ationary pressure would be subdued. The Bank of Thailand conducts open market operations by undertaking transactions in ? nancial markets to affect the aggregate level of reserve balances available in the banking system and short-term interest rates as well. Open market operations are the most actively use instrument to maintain the policy rate; in order to maintain the policy rate the Bank regularly injects and absorbs liquidity through the market as well as acting as a matched-principal broker. Standard tenors are 1-day, 7-day, 14-day, 1-month,2-month, 3-month and 6-month. Nonetheless, the most active tenors are overnight and 14-day. Current monetary policy formulation under the inflation targeting regime (2000-2008) 1. The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) sets out monetary policy in order to attain price stability conducive to sustainable economic growth. With its most recent Inflation Report, the MPC also began to monitor factors contributing to external stability and financial imbalances. 2. The MPC’s policy target is core inflation (excluding raw food and energy) of between 0 and 3. 5% (quarterly average). In the event the target is missed, the MPC is required to explain the reasons to the public. . The BOT has developed a macroeconomic model to forecast economic conditions and the inflation outlook. The use of core inflation as the policy target Core inflation is expressed in terms of year-on-year percentage change of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) that excludes fresh food and energy prices. The rationale for the exclusion of these prices i. e. , rice, flour, cereal products, vegetables, fruits, electr icity charges, cooking gas, and gasolineis that they are highly volatile in the short run as a result of factors beyond the control of monetary policy. Retaining these items in the target measure could therefore lead to too frequent changes in monetary policy stances and may also exacerbate the economic hardship in certain circumstances. For example, if the prices of fresh food and energy are rising, a tight monetary policy may worsen a situation in which the public’s purchasing power is already depressed. The exclusion of fresh food and energy prices thus not only helps decrease the volatility of core inflation but also makes it a better measure of the underlying trend of inflation that stems from demand pressures, otherwise known as the second-round effect. Despite the exclusion of fresh food and energy prices, information regarding changes in the general price level is still reflected in core inflation movements, as core CPI accounts for roughly three-fourth of headline CPI. In addition, historical data shows that despite some deviations in the short run, core inflation closely tracks headline inflation (CPI inflation) in the long run. Therefore, the maintenance of price stability in terms of core inflation will eventually lead to overall price stability in the long run. Setting the core inflation target at between 0. 0-3.  per cent, based on: * The ability of people in various groups of the economy to adjust to changes in the price level, particularly retirees who derive income mainly from interest income from savings, fixed-income employees, and laborers who have low bargaining power. Such groups may be adversely affected by a high level of the inflation target, as their income often fails to catch up with inflation which subse quently erodes their purchasing power. * Consistency with inflation of Thailand’s trading partners. Over the past 10 years (1999-2008), inflation of Thailand’s trading partners averaged at around 1. 8 %. Ensuring that Thailand’s inflation rate is in line with those of trading partners enhances export price competitiveness. Under the inflation targeting regime, one of the most critical responsibilities of the BOT is the achievement of price stability. Indeed, since the adoption of inflation targeting in 2000, the BOT has never once missed its core inflation target. Before the current regime was adopted, core and headline inflation appeared to track each other, with their means relatively close. Core inflation was chosen as the target due to its lower volatility. However, given that increases in oil and food prices are no onger a temporary phenomenon, core and headline inflation appear to be diverging more than before, and so the target for inflation is now under review. Despite its stated objective of targeting inflation, the BOT also monitors financial imbalances that may bring instability to the Thai economy. In each of its meetings, the MPC considers seven areas where financ ial imbalances could occur: the household sector, the real estate sector, external stability, financial institutions, and the financial status of the corporate sector, financial markets and government finance and public debt. Inflation target regime (2009) The MPC and the Minister of Finance have considered the appropriateness of the inflation target for 2009, taking into account various important issues, and mutually agreed to propose a new inflation target for 2009. 1. Retain the use of quarterly target for the continuity of policy conduct. 2. Narrow the target range from 0. 0-3. 5 per cent per annum to 0. 5-3. 0 per cent per annum. The lower bound of the range was adjusted upwards by 0. 5 per cent in order to reduce the probability of deflation, while the upper bound was lowered by the same amount to signal no change in the overall monetary policy stance. The Cabinet approved the above target range on September 1, 2009. Inflation target regime (2010) The MPC and the Minister of Finance have agreed to maintain the inflation target for the year 2010 at 0. 5-3. 0 per cent per annum, in continuation from the previous year. This target range is considered appropriate and supportive of sustainable economic growth for the following reasons: 1. Low and stable inflation would enable the economy to grow on a sustainable path. 2. The target range of 0. 5-3. per cent per annum would keep Thailand’s inflation comparable to trading partners and competitors’ inflation rates, which would help maintain the country’s export competitiveness. Inflation target regime (2011) The MPC and the Minister of Finance have agreed to maintain the inflation target for the year 2011 at 0. 5-3. 0 per cent per annum, in continuation since 2009. This target range is considered appropriate for economic stability and sustainable economic grow th. The Cabinet approved the above target range on December 21, 2010. 3. The low inflation target would help build the confidence of consumers and business enterprises, enabling them to be more confident in making longer-term consumption and investment plans. The Cabinet approved the above target range on December 22, 2009. Monetary policy decision The MPC deemed the current policy rate appropriate in supporting domestic demand to sustain Thai economic growth. The MPC thus voted to hold the policy rate in its last two meetings. In its meeting on November 28, 2012, the MPC judged that the global economy remained stable and exhibited signs of improvement. US economic data were better than expected, especially in the labor and housing markets, although the fiscal cliff remained a key risk factor. Meanwhile, Chinese and Asian economies also showed signs of improvement. Thailand was poised to expand continuously, with global impact limited only to export-related sectors. Exports were expected to begin recovery in the first half of 2013, on the back of global economic recovery. Meanwhile, private consumption and investment would continue to be the main drivers of economic growth going forward. Inflation pressure stabilized at a moderate level close to the previous meeting. The MPC viewed that as downside risks to growth subsided and with inflation pressure in check, the current policy rate remained accommodative and conducive to growth. The MPC therefore voted unanimously to maintain the policy rate at 2. 75 percent per annum and would stand ready to take appropriate policy action as warranted. In its subsequent meeting on January 9, 2013, the MPC assessed that the overall world economy recovered gradually, with improving signals from the previous meeting, led by the US and China. In addition, the recent agreement to avert the US fiscal cliff helped boost global financial market sentiment. Meanwhile, the Thai economy in 2012 Q4 was likely to expand more than previously assessed. Consequently, economic growth in 2012 and growth projection for 2013 were expected to be higher than previously projected, driven mainly by strong private consumption and investment. Furthermore, the export sector showed incipient signs of a broad? based recovery, while the services sector and tourism expanded robustly. Inflation pressure remained stable, close n to the previous meeting. Nevertheless, the impact of a second? round minimum wage increase warranted monitoring. The MPC assessed that the accommodative monetary policy stance throughout the previous year had significantly shored up private sector confidence, supported post? flood recovery, and helped cushion the economy from the global economic headwinds. The MPC viewed that, with remaining uncertainties in the global economy and inflation forecast within target, the current monetary policy stance was appropriate in supporting domestic demand to sustain growth momentum. The MPC thus voted unanimously to maintain the policy rate at 2. 75 percent per annum. However, the MPC would closely monitor financial stability risks that could arise from persistently high credit growth, rising household debt, and volatile capital flows. Challenges from monetary easing by major economies and implications on Thailand Recent monetary policy implementation by major economies During the past 4-5 years, the global economic crisis and public debt problem in the euro area have caused prolonged recessions in major economies, particularly the US, the euro area, the UK and Japan. Despite many years of low or near-zero policy rates not much positive economic impact has owing to low confidence of the private sector and investors coupled with uncertain income prospects from weak labor market conditions, leading consumers to slow spending, thus creating a drag on recovery. Against the backdrop of longer-than-expected recovery of major economies and zero lower bound limitation on policy rates, many central banks have opted for unconventional measures such as Quantitative Easing (QE) in the US Outright Monetary Transactions (OMTs) in European Asset Purchase Programs in Japan and the UK. These measures have caused the size of central banks’ balance sheets to expand, but the direct economic impact has still been small due to overall weaknesses in financial conditions, leading financial institutions to hold extra reserves instead of giving out loans. Implications to Thailand’s policy implementation Implication on monetary policy in Thailand. Recent weaknesses in major economies have caused Thai exports to slow down during some periods, posing risk to overall economic performance, going forward. Should major economies continue to fail to stimulate growth, greater risk would fall on the Thai economy and ultimately affect monetary policy stance. Nevertheless, the MPC has assessed that Thailand’s flexible inflation targeting (FIT) framework is appropriate to the country’s economic conditions and structure, particularly from its transparency and ease of communication. Moreover, many countries that have also been using this framework also register satisfactory growth performance.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Music Concert Report (Park Concert) Essay Example
Music Concert Report (Park Concert) Paper As the era progresses decades later, Classical music Aries in many forms, tempos, textures, melodies, timbres, harmonies, and us e of instruments. A more modern, progressed piece compared to Henry Parcels is Peter Tchaikovsky Swan Lake ACT 1 Waltz. Many things were going on in most progressed classical pieces, such as this o Usually, pieces like this are in the form of polyphony, because theres so many melodies going on at once, with multiple instruments playing together. In this piece, the insert aments being played are: flute, oboe, cello, violin, clarinet, piccolo, many horns, and triangle. The pieces hem of the piece is giving a magical feeling while listening to it. Id usually hear pieces like these in most Disney princess movies. The setting of the piece was set either for the era that had ballroom dances (l could just picture people in formal wear, dressing fancy, h Loading hands and circling around a ballroom while the song is playing. ) At the very beginning of the piece, the song starts with the main chorus, in polyphony, with three distinct melodies t hat are combined with multiple instruments:the string, horns, and flute. In most classical pieces like this one, the tiring usually lead in the piece, with accompaniment of strings in minor, and pipe instruments as bass chord and second harmony. Throughout the piece, and especially in t he main chorus, there are many variations, such as how some parts fades in and out, soft and loud, from little to many instruments added to the melody. The purpose of changing the volume and timbre of the melody, is for the composer to emphasize some parts of the piece, as it show s unpredictability and uniqueness of the piece. Usually, the pattern of classical music is a Ternary y form, but with his piece and many others including Beethoven and Mozart, it is in a Rondo f Oromo, to keep the element of surprise and unpredictability of the piece. The Radio station that I listened to was CDC. During commercial breaks (there only enjoy commercials within two hours), the commercials playing were about getting tickets for concerts at the SF Symphony. It is Obvious that the commercials in that radio station target the CDC radio listeners who live in San Francisco, because the genre of the radio is lackadaisical. We will write a custom essay sample on Music Concert Report (Park Concert) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Music Concert Report (Park Concert) specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Music Concert Report (Park Concert) specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The commercials will engage their target audience with classical background music, while a soft / ice sounding announcer excitingly talk about the upcoming events at the SF Symphony. The estimated age range for those listeners would be in their mid jus 50 + yr 01 d, because people who appreciate classical music are more conservative in music, and grew up with this kind of music, compared to the mainstream modern music that started around thee asss. In one hour, I took a listen to one of my favorite radio stations, STAR 101. 3. T he Genres usually played are: Pop, Country, Soft rock, and Alternative. The commercials being played in that radio are shopping store sales, car insurance, movie trailers from Disney, Cams weather channel, body wash, and buffalo wild wings. The commercial target towards a wider adult audience than CDC radio. Most of these commercials are targeted all gender ± , general adult audience. For shopping, Disney movie trailers, car insurance, and weather chaw kneel, those are mainly targeting women and familys adults for both genders. There is a Buffalo wild wings commercial that would target adult men, who like watching sports and eke to eat while watching their games. Its also playing because it promotes their food while w etching the FIFE world cup (which is starting right now). It makes sense that these commercial! Play in this radio, because this radio is basically for the general adult audience, ranging between n mid asss offs +, with so many genres ranging all the way back from 20 years ago, and the maim mainstream modern music. I notice how ALL pop songs must have electronic beats, and sometimes, even alternative and country music too, to make the song more danceable and fun to hear. M odder music usually includes a singer with instruments and/ or electronic beats playing. Unlike Classical music, the song is concentrated on the lyrics of the song, and secondary for the instrument natal. There are less musical instruments used in Modern Music, compared to Classical, to make pi aces more simple, and easier to listen to the main melody. Therefore, they are in the texture 01 homophony. Because Im focused mainly on the lyrics, sometimes its hard notice many ins treatment changes. Modern music usually has a Ternary form (ABA), with repeating chord us (B) and verses (A), so people could get familiar with the song more quickly. Sometimes, to BRB edge between a verse and chorus, there is often a short instrumental and/ or vocal solo (C). For Modern music hat have lyrics, the singer uses emotion and vocal technique to portray the lay RISC, and telling the storyline of the song. Unlike classical, where the composer only depends on t he instrumental to express and give picture of the storyline. Perhaps the reason behind using less s instruments in Modern Music, especially in lyrical songs, is to give more focus onto the singe and the lyrics. Most modern lyrical music have relatable storyline to love, happiness, sadness as, and encouraging the partying scene. (Such as breaking up, being in love, loneliness, having fun at parties, dancing, etc. The form of modern lyrical music is often melodramatic, saying MO re than one word in one beat.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
A Man of Controversy, essays
A Man of Controversy, essays The support given by United States rulers is rather in the nature of the support a rope gives a hanged man. These were words once uttered from the mouth of the Soviet Unions most ambitious and successful ruler, Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev. Khrushchev was a man that took over power in the Soviet Union very soon after Stalins death; despite his overt criticism of the United States, he was the first ruler to actually believe that the West and the Soviet Union could get along peacefully. Despite being ousted from power by some of his most trusted followers, Khrushchev was perhaps the reason why the Russians and the Americans get along as well as they do today. His backward thinking started a new era for Communism; he led them to glory that was only deserving of the Soviet Union. Khrushchev was born into a very poor family located in Kalinovka, near the village of Kursk in southwestern Russia. His grandfather had worked as a serf and his father worked as a peasant and as a miner. Khrushchev received very little education in schools because his family needed him to work on the family farm. After only about eight years of education, Khrushchev dropped out of school to herd his familys cattle. He later became a pipe fitter in a coalmine in the Donets Basin, which is near present-day Ukraine. He soon joined the Bolshevik Communist Party in 1918, and he served in the Red Army as a junior political officer in Russian Civil War from 1918-1921. After the civil war, he returned to Ukraine and he began working as the assistant manager of a coalmine back in the Donets Basin. Khrushchev moved to Moscow in 1929 to go to school at the Stalin Industrial Academy, where he became the leader of the academys Communist Party organization. Khrushchev then began to work full time as a secretary of the Communist Party in Moscow. Under the tutelage of Lazar Kaganovich, who was the first secretary ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
You Signed Up for a Conference †Now What
You Signed Up for a Conference – Now What You paid your conference fee and reserved your motel room. Now what? Youre finally going to a writers conference, but now that you think about it, you arent sure what to do once you get there. First, make sure this is a conference that suits your needs. If you are unpublished and seeking agents or publishers, then dont stick to a conference that focuses on craft, and vice versa. Make sure the majority of the classes fit your goals.Second, while youre researching this conference, dig deeper and research the teachers, agents, and so on. What about these people merits sticking them up in front of a class? If you see teachers that really havent published much, think twice. Anybody can teach. You want teachers who have published and performed, as well. Third, participate in at least one critique or pitch session. Unless you are green as a gourd and just dipping your toe in the water, you have a piece youve been working on. Toss it into the fray and see what feedback you get. They might rip it up, but thats okay. You show youve got guts and you walk away much more educated than you were before. Fourth, plan your agenda. Dont wait until you get there to decide what you want to attend. They publish that schedule ahead of time for a reason. Map out your days and evenings to include the questions you want to ask and the goals you hope to achieve. Get the most of your sessions. Fifth, meet at least one new person per session. Speak to those at your table or seated around you. Theres a wealth of networking opportunity available to you at a conference, and that networking might be the biggest plus you come home with.  Sixth, plan your clothes. Sounds like a woman thing, right? Wrong. Youll be sitting for long periods of time. You might have to trek up and down stairs or from one end of the motel to the other to make classes. Look sharp but make it comfy. Throw in a scarf, the boots, or those special pieces of jewelry. Give the person you meet something to remember you Seventh, pack your writing stuff to include: = two copies of your WIP (just in case) = business cards (dont say WRITER/AUTHOR on it and avoid Vistaprint templates) = notebook Youll not only take notes, but youll dabble on your WIP as these productive ideas come to you in class. Ive rewritten chapters in class before as the teacher led me to a new concept. = name tag Theyll give you one, but consider having a permanent, professional one made. I have two: one with a magnet and one with a pin, so that they can go on anything I wear. People remember tags, and if yours is unique, theyll remember you more. = one-sheets See this article on one-sheets. These are marvelous if you are pitching and speak volumes about your creativity and professionalism. Before the last day, take a moment to go over your notes and goals and determine what youre lacking, then approach the teacher, writer or agent while you can. Walk up and ask the question. Thats why they are there, and what you paid for. You can do this, and you can do it better if you go prepared.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Discuss three ways that technological innovation has worked to the Essay
Discuss three ways that technological innovation has worked to the detriment of organizational dynamics or to the detriment of s - Essay Example Take the case of patent applications. Technological innovation has been linked to the increase in patent applications. This is due to the extension of patent domain to new objects such as research tools, software, business methods, artificially engineered organisms and genes. Moreover new players like public agencies and universities have also entered the patent domain thereby making the market more competitive. In the past twenty years, we have witnessed a rapid growth in the rates of patents which also includes patenting the scientific resources and results. It has been observed that the patent applications from US corporations conducted from 1988 – 2000 have more than doubled. In other words, patents have acquired strategic value. A classic example in this context is that of Texas Instruments. This company is estimated to have profited around one billion dollars from patent licenses and settlements due to its aggressive enforcement policy. The above mentioned aspects have l ed to an increase in the patenting rates. This has subsequently increased the litigation expenses. According to the US Department of Commerce, patent litigation that commenced in the year 1991, led to an overall legal expenditure by US firms which were at least 25% of the cost of basic research conducted by these firms in 1991 (Dosi, Marengo & Pasquali, 2006). An important breakthrough in technology is the invention of computers and other advanced tools which provides accurate and fast results. Advanced and innovative software has provided us a platform to interact online with each other. The advent of e-mail, intranet, social networking tools like Facebook, Twitter etc. has made it possible for people to interact online. Previously, people used to meet each other and visit their close friends and relatives. Occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries were celebrated and people visited each other in person. However, with the advent of online tools people no longer care to visit their close friends and relatives. Instead they interact with them online with the various internet tools that have been invented. Nowadays, these tools are a means to keep in touch with each other and hence face-to-face interaction has lessened to quite an extent. Another negative effect of computers is that it has led to reduction in manual labor. Previously, all types of work needed to be done manually and this meant higher demand for laborers. With automation, the entire scenario has changed. Many people may argue that the job market has become more competitive with all firms struggling to put in their best to remain in market. However, the newspaper industry has been hit very hard as technological innovation has paved the way for advertising and market promotion actions through the web. Nowadays firms and organizations prefer to promote their products and services through the internet, online magazines and brochures which have a wider public appeal. This is one of the main reasons w hy most newspaper firms have ceased to remain in the market and in most countries it has been observed that only a handful of such companies remain in market. Technological innovation is a vicious cycle. Take the example of the automobile industry. With the advances made in technology, new automobiles are being designed taking into account the consumer comfort and luxury. In most countries people consider car to be a necessity as they prefer to commute driving their own automobile. This has led to an increase in the pollution levels
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Case Analysis Part II Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Case Analysis Part II - Coursework Example In the case of Paschal v. Rite Aid Pharmacy, Inc. (1985) it was held that a business invitee is entitled to "a duty of ordinary care in maintaining the premises in a reasonably safe condition so that its customers are not unnecessarily and unreasonably exposed to danger"2 from the owner. This means that an owner is obliged â€Å"to keep the premises free from dangers not discernible by a reasonably prudent person and to warn invitees of concealed dangers of which the owner knows or should know†3. Therefore, I strongly believe that the drugstore owed its visitors, including Booker, a duty of care to maintain a safe environment. 2. I believe that Booker’s lawsuit against the drugstore is based on negligence, and not upon allegations that the storeowners committed an international tort. International torts occur in those cases when the defendant actually has the intention of harming the plaintiff through his actions, like for example: assault, battery, trespass, fraud, etc . On the other hand, according to Stuhmcke A., â€Å"Negligence is a tort which determines legal liability for careless actions or inactions which cause injury.4 Therefore, in this case we are talking about negligence on behalf of the drugstore. 3. According to Harpwood V., â€Å"duty of care, breach of duty and damage†5 are three elements that must be proved by the plaintiff in order to establish actionable negligence. This test was also employed in the case of Texler v. D.O. Summers Cleaners & Shirt Laundry Co. (1998), where the judge held that â€Å"a plaintiff must show the existence of a duty, a breach of the duty, and an injury proximately resulting there from†6 A duty of care was owed by the drugstore to Booker, as it has been explained in p.1. This duty of care has been breached by having doors which needed a lot of pressure in order to be opened and the coil of the antitheft device situated too close to the second door. The injury which Booker had suffered re sulted strictly from the breach of duty of the drugstore. CHAPTER 6 CASE 2 1. I believe that the Court’s decision should not be reversed by the Appellate court because of the following: there was a contract between the two security corporations and CIA meant to provide security to the latter. Adelman was not a party to this contract and this contract did not refer to him or any other pedestrian at all. Adelman would be entitled to damages from the security corporations and CIA if he were a party to the contract or if the contract would have stipulated protecting the third parties. As, for example, in the case of Home Office v Dorset (1970) it has been stated that: â€Å"†¦Similarly, if A specifically creates a risk of injury†¦he may be liable for the resulting damage†¦.Similarly, A may be liable if he assumes specific responsibility for B’s safety but carelessly then fails to protect B..†7 Again, none of the clauses of the contract did specificall y mention that third parties outside the CIA would be granted protection. In this case, I would believe that applying the Court’s ruling in the case of Caparo plc. V Dickman (1990) would be realistic. The case involved Dickman – an auditor, who, by negligence, stated a company’s profitability to be better than it was in reality. Caparo – a third party, relying on the stated profitability of the company, after
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Juvenile Court System Essay Example for Free
The Juvenile Court System Essay The Juvenile Court is the fulcrum around which rolls the judicial machinery for the treatment of juvenile offenders. The court may counsel and dismiss a youthful offender or allow a discharge upon the offender submitting a bond to be of good behavior. The court may also order the commission of the juvenile offender to the care of a relative or other responsible person or to an approved school for corrective education. Oftentimes, parents or guardians are ordered to carry out a bond to exercise proper care and guardianship. The court may issue an order of probation or payment of a fine, compensation or costs. Imprisonment may be ordered as a last resort if determined that the delinquent cannot be appropriately meted out in any other conceivable means.            A state may allow youth offenders to be tried in adult courts for offenses which are serious as murder or rape. There are ways by which a juvenile may be tried as an adult. One is through a waiver where the juvenile court judge decides whether or not a juvenile case should be transferred to a criminal court. The most popular way is for the prosecution to decide if the juvenile delinquent is to be tried in an adult court or in the juvenile court. The last one is where some offenses are excluded by the state from prosecution in juvenile courts.            A landmark case concerning juvenile due process is Kent v. United States, where a 14-year old defendant was charged for robbery and rape and interrogated for seven hours until finally admitting his guilt. Several motions were filed by the defendant but were denied by the judge without a hearing. The case was appealed to the Court of Appeals but the same was denied. However, the Supreme Court ruled in his favor, declaring that the accused has the right to the same due process accorded to adult offenders, such as the right to be assisted by counsel during custodial investigation and the right to access to evidence. This case vaunted an extreme or rigorous effect on how a juvenile court dealt with a juvenile delinquent (l966). In re Gault, which is another landmark case involving the rights of the juvenile offender to due process, Gault, aged 15 was arrested when a neighbor complained that Gault and his friend had called her and made obscene remarks over the phone. Without due process, the juvenile was committed to an industrial school until he reaches the age of 21. At that time the Arizona Juvenile Code did not provide specified constitutional rights to the offenders. And under the Arizona law, Gault has no right to appeal. The Supreme Court held that a notice of hearing, informing the juvenile of the charges against him, the right to counsel, the right to confront witnesses and the right against self-incrimination accorded to adult offender must also be provided to the young offender; that the guarantees provided by the constitution do not distinguish a juvenile offender from adult offender (Palicz). In Breed v. Jones, the respondent was only 17 years old when accused of committing acts while holding a gun. If he was an adult the act was criminal. The Juvenile Court held that he was guilty of a criminal offense and was again tried as an adult in California Superior Court. The U.S. Supreme Court held that the proceeding was a violation of the Double Jeopardy Clause of the Fifth Amendment. The respondent was first tried in the juvenile court as a juvenile and again at the superior court as an adult (l975). These cases had strikingly ensued on the manner juvenile delinquents are treated. The courts now had to afford the juvenile his rights under the constitution. Legitimate transfer hearing must be provided and notice must be served at the right time to provide ample time for the juvenile and his family to prepare for the case.            Status offenders are juveniles committing actions if committed by adults are not considered as felony or misdemeanor, such as running away from home, smoking,   alcoholism, truancy, and incorrigibility or beyond the control of the parents. Parents are compelled to file petition to get services from the juvenile justice system as there is little or nothing in the community that provides services or support for status offenders. If a juvenile is adjudged as incorrigible, he is placed under probation which include counseling, psychiatric examination, parenting and assessment for medication. This process is to assist the child and the family in resolving the problem and improve the child’s conduct. For those who ran away from home, the court may order a family relative or friend to take custody of the child. However, if there is no other option, the court may decide to put the child in jail for a short term. Proceedings in the juvenile court are civil and not criminal and special terms are used for the stages in the proceedings. There is no jury and hearings are informal, but the rules of evidence apply. In juvenile court the defendant is called respondent and the case commences by petition and not by indictment. The juvenile may admit or deny the offense charge in the adjudicatory hearing; if the court finds the respondent dangerous, proceedings begin with a detention hearing. Adjudication must take place within 30 days after the service of the petition. If found that the child committed the acts, a disposition hearing is held. Adjudication and disposition hearings are two separate proceedings. In disposition hearing, the court determines whether the respondent needs treatment or rehabilitation and whether he is delinquent. The court may order the services of care providers such as the Department of Social Service, the Board of Education, the Department of Juvenile Services to help in rehabilitating the child. The final stage is the restitution hearing for the determination of the monetary compensation for the victim who suffered injury for the delinquent acts of the juvenile. The Juvenile Court today has adopted the significant Supreme Court rulings in the landmark cases mentioned above. Before deciding the case, the court determines the general demeanor of the offender, home and school environment and medical history.  Every possible way to help the parents and the juvenile delinquents are being coordinated not only by the judge but also by other members of the judicial system. References Kent v. U. S. 383 U.S. 541 (1966). Supreme Court of the United States, Supreme Court Collection. Cornell University Law School. Retrieved on October 25, 2007 from Palicz, A. K. Review in re Gault. Retrieved on October 25, 2007 from   Breed v. Jones, 421 U.S. 519 (1975, May 27). U. S. Supreme Court. Findlaw. Retrieved on October 25, 2007 from
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Performance Appraisal of Agilent Technology Essay -- essays research p
Executive Summary For this report, I had chosen Agilent Technologies Sales (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd as my research topic. It is one of the branches in the world that delivers innovative technologies, solutions and services to a wide range of customers in communications, electronics, life sciences and chemical analysis.      One of Agilent's goals is to maintain a good-quality relationship between employees and management regardless of the economic conditions in which the business is operating. Introduction      This report focuses on the Performance Appraisal     of Agilent Technologies. Performance appraisal is one of the factors related to an organization’s long-term success. It has the ability to measure how well employees perform and then use the information to ensure that performance meets present standards and improves over time.      To help us have a view in the performance appraisal system of Agilent Technologies, an interview was conducted with two members of the company, Ms. Lim and Ms. Tracy Leong. Ms. Lim is the Assistant Manager in Customer Service, whereas Ms. Leong has been working in the Customer Service department for more 2 years. She is responsible for ensuring that their company’s customers receive an adequate level of service or help with their questions and concerns. Also, she interacts with customers to provide information in response to inquiries about products or services and to handle and resolve complaints, through a variety of means, either in person, by telephone, e-mail or regular mail correspondence, or fax, or even over the Internet. In Agilent, the Human Resources (HR) department has focused on improving responsiveness, clarifying the scope of its services and continuing to build its expertise. Despite difficult economic conditions in recent years, they have continued working toward making Agilent an employer of choice across the globe. The aim is to provide employees with a working environment they find challenging and enjoyable by hiring some of the best people and encouraging open communication and feedback with management. In Agilent, it is the responsibility of the managers to maintain a work environment where employees can openly discuss their performance, progress and development. This requires open and frequent c... ...l process. This helps reducing sampling error by increasing the number of observations and reduces the effect of possible biases. This way, the supervisors and managers will feel more comfortable, since they are no longer solely responsible for what happens to the person as a result of the rating. Probably there are still many ways to be researched and then be conducted. However, I do think these three ways are as important as they will lead the performance appraisal to a better system in Agilent Technologies. References: 1.     Stone, R.J. 2002, 4th edn, Human Resource Management, John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd., Australia. 2.     Fisher, C. D., Schoenfeldt, L. F. and Shaw, J. B. 1993, 2nd edn, Human Resource Management, Houghton Mifflin Company, London. 3.     Paterson, T. T. 1972, 2nd edn, Job Evaluation: A New Method. Business Books Limited, London. 4. 5. 6.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
My Goals in Life
There are aspects in life that have influenced me to have a better future. To begin that, I have set goals to better my life but it will take hard work and commitment to pursue them. It was not until recently when I have decided to get my life started and pursue the dreams that I have always wanted to have. There are three primarily goals in my life I would like to achieve, my personal, academic and career goals. My personal goal is to have a stable financial. My academic goal is to graduate from college with a 3. GPA. As for my career goal, I would like to become a Registered Nurse. At this point in my life, I have realized that money has been an issue. This fact will lead us to my long-term personal goal which is to have a stable financial. It is very important to have a financial stability just in case of emergency or unexpected expenses. To improve my financial status, my intermediate goal is to have my credit cards debts and my loans paid off in two years from today. By doing that, I have made a short term goal, which is to spend less money that I earn, create a financial budget to help me save and to increase the money I earn by making more hours or possibly invest on something. Slowly, I am doing my best to accumulate money every day now. In order to achieve my academic goal, I will have to break many bad habits and dedicate my life to the grades I want in college. My long term academic goal is to major in Nursing in the year of 2015. Pursuing this goal will help get me started on my career path. My intermediate goal is to graduate from Valencia Community College with an A. S. degree and with at least a 3. 0 GPA or higher within two years. To build my GPA to a 3. 0, I must dedicate my time on studying and showing up in class every day. Before, I wasn't as focused and didn't care about school because I had thought that having fun is better than studying but now, I came to realized how academic will help me better my future and it will pay off. Furthermore, my long-term career goal is to get a job as a Registered Nurse by the time I am 28 years old. I love taking care of people and making sure that they have the care that they need. Registered Nurse is also a high paying job and many states are in high demand in nurses. To follow my long term career goal, I have set a intermediate goal. My intermediate goal is to do internships and/or externships in many medical sites; to get the experiences that I need to become one of the best nurse there is. Volunteering in clinics and hospitals will help me closer to my career path. I would have to send out my resumes and keep pushing myself to the top. In conclusion, setting goals are easy, but pursuing them consists of hard working and dedication. By the time I'm 29 years old, I want to be set in life with my personal, academic and career goals. I will have a steady financial within two years from today, by accumulating money. Majoring in Nursing by the year of 2015 and be a graduate student from Valencia Community College with a 3. 0 GPA or higher is my academic goal. Lastly, my career goal is to be a Registered Nurse by the age of 28. I am ready to live my life. My Goals in Life I have many goals in my life, and I have learned to categorize them into short term, midterm, and long term goals. Doing so helps me keep my focus on what is immediate, and what it takes to make the long-term goals happen. It also allows me to keep my visions clear and in tune to what I want to achieve. Earning my MBA First, I want to earn my Masters in Business Administration degree. I know that this will prepare me for the life I want. More than the title, I want an MBA degree because I know that it will give me the appropriate knowledge that I need to put up my own business in the future. A formal education in business, especially that which is post-graduate, will also give me the proper training. It will be my baptism of fire into the world of business because it will detach me from the school-based business setting and move me into the real business world. Like Odysseus who had been in many adventures and conquests, most of them with complete uncertainty, it is my job to prepare myself to whatever can happen. Odysseus had instances where he hoped for good luck and relied in prayer and it showed how uncertain he and his colleagues were in their adventures. As factual as the story is, luck will sometimes turn towards me or otherwise. I know that I should be prepared no matter what happens. I deem formal education as a step for doing this. Success in business When I have finished my MBA, I can then take steps to make my next dream materialize. I want to be a businessman, managing my own business and giving products or services that people will want to buy. I want to be successful in the initiatives that I will undertake. Because I have all the proper knowledge, I know this is possible. I will study the possibilities well before starting my enterprise. I will think of a venture or merchandise that is incomparable with others. It could be something new like a new product or service, or something that can enhance what people already have. It will really be hard to pinpoint which industry at this time because it will largely depend on what the environment the business sector has at that time. I will then make a comprehensive feasibility study about my chosen field. Like pursuing my MBA, I will treat handling my business like a continuous opportunity for studying. I will give myself the chance to explore the new boundaries in the field that I will choose. I know that this will expand my knowledge and abilities as well as enhance my skills. Like Odysseus who remained true to the things that he envisioned, I should have a can-go attitude at all times. Settling down Success in business is only half of my accomplishments. I also aspire for a complete personal life. I can only achieve this by getting married. I view settling down with the person I love. We shall stay somewhere we both like, and have our own family. Most probably, we will be having children right after we get married. It is my goal to be able to provide for my family. I want to be able to answer all of their needs and, if possible, their wants. I also want to impart in them the lessons I have learned in life and hope that they will apply them in their own convictions. If this happens I am sure that they can lead good and productive lives that they will never even once regret. I know this because I am sure that making the right choices in life will do them good. Interconnection These goals are interconnected. I know that even if they have to happen at different times in my life, not achieving one will greatly affect the way that I can do the others. For instance, when I do not get my MBA I know that I will miss a lot of lessons that can help get my business started. I will likewise find it hard to get my business going. When I do not get successful in my business, it will also be difficult for me to provide for my family. Because this is the way that I want to work and earn a living, if I cannot be successful in my business I will have to struggle or maybe have to work in a company instead of being the boss of my own firm. I know that this will be difficult for me. Yet like Odysseus, I should consider that life is filled with trials. Things will not always go as planned. It takes prayers and actions to get things done, yet even in the times when one prays and acts a lot it is still not possible to achieve something that is not meant to be. People around should also be considered as they can make or break one’s dreams. Looking at these teachings from the classic literature, one conclusion comes to mind: we have our goals and we should do every thing that can make them happen, but we should equally be prepared for the diversions that will surely come our way. It is a lesson well learned. My Goals in Life I have many goals in my life, and I have learned to categorize them into short term, midterm, and long term goals. Doing so helps me keep my focus on what is immediate, and what it takes to make the long-term goals happen. It also allows me to keep my visions clear and in tune to what I want to achieve. Earning my MBA First, I want to earn my Masters in Business Administration degree. I know that this will prepare me for the life I want. More than the title, I want an MBA degree because I know that it will give me the appropriate knowledge that I need to put up my own business in the future. A formal education in business, especially that which is post-graduate, will also give me the proper training. It will be my baptism of fire into the world of business because it will detach me from the school-based business setting and move me into the real business world. Like Odysseus who had been in many adventures and conquests, most of them with complete uncertainty, it is my job to prepare myself to whatever can happen. Odysseus had instances where he hoped for good luck and relied in prayer and it showed how uncertain he and his colleagues were in their adventures. As factual as the story is, luck will sometimes turn towards me or otherwise. I know that I should be prepared no matter what happens. I deem formal education as a step for doing this. Success in business When I have finished my MBA, I can then take steps to make my next dream materialize. I want to be a businessman, managing my own business and giving products or services that people will want to buy. I want to be successful in the initiatives that I will undertake. Because I have all the proper knowledge, I know this is possible. I will study the possibilities well before starting my enterprise. I will think of a venture or merchandise that is incomparable with others. It could be something new like a new product or service, or something that can enhance what people already have. It will really be hard to pinpoint which industry at this time because it will largely depend on what the environment the business sector has at that time. I will then make a comprehensive feasibility study about my chosen field. Like pursuing my MBA, I will treat handling my business like a continuous opportunity for studying. I will give myself the chance to explore the new boundaries in the field that I will choose. I know that this will expand my knowledge and abilities as well as enhance my skills. Like Odysseus who remained true to the things that he envisioned, I should have a can-go attitude at all times. Settling down Success in business is only half of my accomplishments. I also aspire for a complete personal life. I can only achieve this by getting married. I view settling down with the person I love. We shall stay somewhere we both like, and have our own family. Most probably, we will be having children right after we get married. It is my goal to be able to provide for my family. I want to be able to answer all of their needs and, if possible, their wants. I also want to impart in them the lessons I have learned in life and hope that they will apply them in their own convictions. If this happens I am sure that they can lead good and productive lives that they will never even once regret. I know this because I am sure that making the right choices in life will do them good. Interconnection These goals are interconnected. I know that even if they have to happen at different times in my life, not achieving one will greatly affect the way that I can do the others. For instance, when I do not get my MBA I know that I will miss a lot of lessons that can help get my business started. I will likewise find it hard to get my business going. When I do not get successful in my business, it will also be difficult for me to provide for my family. Because this is the way that I want to work and earn a living, if I cannot be successful in my business I will have to struggle or maybe have to work in a company instead of being the boss of my own firm. I know that this will be difficult for me. Yet like Odysseus, I should consider that life is filled with trials. Things will not always go as planned. It takes prayers and actions to get things done, yet even in the times when one prays and acts a lot it is still not possible to achieve something that is not meant to be. People around should also be considered as they can make or break one’s dreams. Looking at these teachings from the classic literature, one conclusion comes to mind: we have our goals and we should do every thing that can make them happen, but we should equally be prepared for the diversions that will surely come our way. It is a lesson well learned.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Religion and Truth Essay
All Religion is TruthWhat is insanity of the religion? According to Ramakrishna, no One religion is truth, however, all the integral transmissions of sacred wisdom and contemplative practice that survive the test of time are true. (43) That means, the complete devotion to the source of knowledge and actions through prayer are the fundamental and most important walks of life that constitute to the wholeness of truth. These most important aspects of religion constitute to the wholeness of truth by what they place on the individual, which is the Grace of God. The belief that My Religion Alone is true is not the correct belief because all religions are truth from what the religion does to the practitioner. If the practitioner is in complete consciousness of God and life, that alone is the key to truth. So the basis of all these religions, be it Hindu, Christian, Jew or Muslim is primarily through the sanctity of God and that is the willingness to devote time and life through veneration to the Divine Reality, which is God, that brings all the religions together. As time transcends and religion expands, reality becomes the critical starting point through where we begin our destiny of truth. That means, knowledge is transcendent and that it is the gauntlet or tool that creates the value of truth within the individual. To understand this point fully, we must break down what Ramakrishna meant by integral transmissions of sacred wisdom. Integral means the completeness of the whole, and in this case it is used to exemplify the wholeness of truth in being the basis of knowledge. By the basis it is then completed through transmission or rather a passage of possibly enlightenment of knowledge. That is why knowledge is referred to as sacred, because of the qualities of truth that it brings within the individual. Furthermore, what constitutes to truth is the emphasis the individual places on eternal goal or spiritual peace by a means of illuminating the sacredness of knowledge. Persistence of intense awareness is the truth that Ramakrishna is trying to convey. Moreover, the goal of achieving a manifested state of sanctity is through complete sincerity. That is sincerity works in the favor of the practitioner because they not only work for truth and knowledge for themselves but indeterminately for God alone, and this is what is achieved in all religions, in essence making them very connected and similar. According to Ramakrishna, its supposed to be about what we fight for in religion, not what we fight for outside of religion. In addition, what we fight for is suppose to be for the ultimate being, God, through Divine Nature. Divine Nature is achieved through a balance of realization in our daily life. The key tool is sincerity. Sincerity is about being genuine and honest; however it is about being honest first and foremost to the individual. Because without being able to be truthful to yourself, there would be no decisive factor that contributes to inspired belief and thus creating a problem within the individual. The way to obtain divine nature is not simple, because it takes time, but those who are sincere can and will achieve it. Divine nature consists of being able to learn from our daily trials and tribulations and learning very critically from them. At the same rate, the most fundamental thing that helps us on our path is the presence of God within us. (42)Why does Ramakrishna refer to God being the only living presence within us and how do we achieve this? The benefits of having God within us are bliss and freedom. What it means to have bliss could potentially lead to freedom, freedom of the self. It is freedom of the self because the presence of God is the only thing that we become conscious of and creates a sort of ripple within us that really brings out the bliss of God. Moreover, it is the awareness of God that structure our daily life and thus creates a Divine Nature that we live. Religions create a sense of supreme happiness and that reveal an urgent desire to be at peace. Through understanding that God is present everywhere is the beginning stages of awareness, but moving to the stage that God is present with in us creates motivation and an incentive for the individual to complete his or her goal in life. Furthermore, in order to maintain a balance of the spiritual self, there are certain spiritual ideals that are really crucial in understanding the truth in all religions. Devotion seems to sound easy, whereas it is serves as a purpose for the individual. Devotion is the dedication to belief in God and resulting in profound piety. It is correlated with the idea of ideals. Ideals are processes that work hand in hand in achieving the individuals ultimate goal, which is developed by the means of devotion. Ideals are the realization of something more and that something more is the supreme presence. Ideals exist in the mind but at the same time in the heart and the entire body. It takes form in the individuals day to day action and helps in creating a balance within the individuals spiritual conscience. Once this process of ideals is followed up by proper actions and proper living, then harmony is reached in the form of the manifestation of God. Manifestation of God means that the cause of being completely habituated in living the proper way creates the effect of harmony. Harmony is a consistent pleasing effect that is caused by this absolute idea of consciousness and bliss. That is to say that all the important aspects that were stated from the beginning to now, are the primary purpose of the truth in all the religions, in essence showing the beauty that God brings forth through each and every religion. Finally we must go back to the original question of insanity. Ramakrishna in essence is saying that it is insane to believe your religion is the only and ultimate truth for we have no basis for that belief. We can see through the process of spiritual development that the beauty lays in the truth and sincerity each and every religion places on the individual in such a balanced and consistent manner. BIBLIOGRAPHY1. Philip Novak. The Worlds Wisdom: Sacred Texts of the World. Harper SanFrancisco. -1st ed. Pg 42-44.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Henry David Thoreau essays
Henry David Thoreau essays American literature during the first half of the nineteenth century took many forms and ideas that still effect our ever so changing society today. Henry David Thoreau was among the notable writers during this time, and his impact of American literature will not soon be forgotten. His perseverance, love for nature, and humanitarian beliefs helped to mold the ideas and values of early American history. He was born in Concord, Massachusetts on July 12 in 1817. His parents, both abolitionists of slavery, were John and Cynthia Thoreau. During his childhood years his parents, along with Henrys older siblings John Jr. and Helen, often took the family on long walks though the valleys and hills of Concord. The seeds of Henrys love for nature were planted during this time. As a young school boy, at the Concord public school and later at the Concord Academy, many of his peers sought after him as loner who took everything too serious. In 1833 Henrys parents had saved enough money to send him off to college at Harvard University. Even though he barely passed the entrance exam, he would later become one of the top students in his graduating class. In 1836 financial and health problems forced Thoreau to postpone his studies at Harvard and seek a job. He taught school for a semester in Canton, Massachusetts and returned to Harvard in the Spring of 1837. He took a full load of classes that Spring and Summer semesters and graduated in August of 1837. After graduating Thoreau had no idea what he wanted to do with his education. After debating over many different careers he finally concluded that teaching would be his calling. He landed a position at Center School in 1837 in Concord, however he resigned two weeks later after many teachers and students complained of his teaching methods and strictness in the classroom. Over the next year he worked many small jobs arou...
Henry David Thoreau essays
Henry David Thoreau essays American literature during the first half of the nineteenth century took many forms and ideas that still effect our ever so changing society today. Henry David Thoreau was among the notable writers during this time, and his impact of American literature will not soon be forgotten. His perseverance, love for nature, and humanitarian beliefs helped to mold the ideas and values of early American history. He was born in Concord, Massachusetts on July 12 in 1817. His parents, both abolitionists of slavery, were John and Cynthia Thoreau. During his childhood years his parents, along with Henrys older siblings John Jr. and Helen, often took the family on long walks though the valleys and hills of Concord. The seeds of Henrys love for nature were planted during this time. As a young school boy, at the Concord public school and later at the Concord Academy, many of his peers sought after him as loner who took everything too serious. In 1833 Henrys parents had saved enough money to send him off to college at Harvard University. Even though he barely passed the entrance exam, he would later become one of the top students in his graduating class. In 1836 financial and health problems forced Thoreau to postpone his studies at Harvard and seek a job. He taught school for a semester in Canton, Massachusetts and returned to Harvard in the Spring of 1837. He took a full load of classes that Spring and Summer semesters and graduated in August of 1837. After graduating Thoreau had no idea what he wanted to do with his education. After debating over many different careers he finally concluded that teaching would be his calling. He landed a position at Center School in 1837 in Concord, however he resigned two weeks later after many teachers and students complained of his teaching methods and strictness in the classroom. Over the next year he worked many small jobs arou...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Term Papers and Report
Term Papers and Report Term Papers and Report Term Papers and Report The term papers and report are the most common assignments at high schools, college, and universities. The term papers and report are a kind of independent research term paper where the researcher discloses essence of investigated problem; results of the study, observations, literature review insights, etc. In addition, you will review tips on term paper format. You may also read great article on college term paper writing secrets and learn how to write great term papers! Steps of writing term papers and report: Selection and studying of the basic sources for a topic.List of literature making. Material processing and ordering. Preparation of conclusions and generalizations. The report plan working out. Writing. Public report of research results.Distinguishing characteristic of the term papers and report is scientific, academic style.The academic style is absolutely special way of text material giving, the most suitable for writing of educational and scientific works. The given style defines following norms: Sentences can be long and complex; Foreign words, various terms are used; Statements like "most likely", "in our opinion" are not used; There should be no pronouns "I", Â «my (point of view)Â »; There can be no clich?s and general words.The standard structure of term papers and report can be following: The topic of research formulation. Research urgency. The research purpose. Research problems. Hypothesis (scientifically proved sup pose of possible results of research work).The detailed description of all actions connected with results getting. Results of research. A summary of the new information which was received by the researcher. Research conclusions. The required sections of term papers and report:The title page. Table of contents. Introduction.The basic part.The conclusion.BibliographyTerm papers and report writing tips:Refer only to the reliable and recent sourcesCite all sources both within the text and at the end of itUse headings and sub-headings to keep the structure neat and logicalAvoid overgeneralizations and personal opinionsAsk professional term paper writers for help!If term papers and report writing is a challenge for you, try our professional term paper writing services and we will do your work for you! We are responsible, educated, and experienced! If you are in need of dissertation help or looking for assistance with writing a case study analysis, we are always online to st art working on your assignment!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Response to 3 students posting with 2 references each Coursework - 1
Response to 3 students posting with 2 references each - Coursework Example Therefore, through the support of various articles on the subject, I strongly agree that ‘perhaps a major factor that creates hurdles in dealing with these public policy issues is democracy itself’. As emphasized by Liverani (2009) that â€Å"democracies can be notoriously shortsighted when dealing with long term issues†(par. 4). The rationale for this could be that there are enumerable external factors that could influence diverse issues and so policy makers opt to decide on the most pressing issues given the resources and current macro environmental status of the time. The post was also in response to Dinesh Sah’s Post where we both saw the issue of seeing democracies as recommending policies more on a short-term leash (Liverani, 2009). Sandra’s contention, however, focused on the culture of "instant gratification"; which is also a valid point. According to Rivenburg (2004), â€Å"part of the problem is that technology and pop culture have trained people to expect instant gratification of their desires. So when a temptation comes along, theyre inclined to indulge it†(par. 12). There is so much focus on immediate outcome and results with little foresight being accorded to long term vision of the effects of one’s course of action. Therefore, to see policy-makers in a democratic society to manifest behaviors which exhibit the culture of instant gratification would also explain the lack of forbearance and foresight to resolve climate action on a more lasting and effective manner. De Yudice’s post was interesting in terms of illuminating the power of democracy at its best. Despite the apparent support from various policymakers and different stakeholders of the DREAM Act, the Senate reportedly made the firm decision of seeing it as a threat to being a precursor to invite more illegal aliens and encourage illegal immigration. As policymakers, democratic forces encourage making
Friday, November 1, 2019
Immanuel Kant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Immanuel Kant - Essay Example The memo has obviously been overlooked by the secretary. It is also obvious that the information will be broadcast later to all of us. My friends, ignorant of this, plan a weekend road trip, and set out early on Friday evening. I find myself excusing myself from the trip on the pretext of a bad cold. The next day, I put in my time at the office. On Monday, the Manager offers me the promotion. My silence is definitely an ethical decision. My motive of securing the promotion makes me hide the information in the memo from Tom. I am aware that this action is in conflict with my duty as a friend. However, I justify my action on the basis that I am not responsible for the road trip: in fact the idea is Tom’s. Tom voluntarily goes on the trip. I am not using Tom as a tool to achieve my aims. My duty to myself overrides my obligation to help a friend, which is an imperfect duty. While my action may not be morally right on the basis of Kant’s categorical imperative, it can be partially justified according to Kant’ s second formulation. However, I must confess that my action makes me uncomfortable and I feel rather guilty about
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
To what extent was John Maynard Keynes' principal contribution to Essay
To what extent was John Maynard Keynes' principal contribution to political economy a re-conceptualisation of optimal relation - Essay Example This is often the case between Keynesian economists and other reformists’ theories. Keynesianism or Keynesian economics is an economic theory based on the ideas John Maynard Keynes, as put forward in his book The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, available in 1936 as an answer to the Great Depression of the 1930s. Keynesianism advocates for a mixed economy, in which the state as well as the market or the private sector have both significant functions to operate. It should be noted that the advent and eventual rise of Keynesianism saw the collapse of laissez-faire economics which was of the view that both the state and the market could function, each on its own. Keynesianism also emphasizes of the significance of aggregate demand for goods as the lashing factor of the economy, particularly in periods of recession. For this reason, government plans or policies could be made use of to promote demand at a macro level, to counter high unemployment as well as deflati on. A significant conclusion of Keynesianism is that there is not a tough and automatic propensity for output and employment to move to full employment levels. Effective demand is therefore the fundamental idea underlying Keynesianism. Post Keynesian Criticisms After Keynes, a good amount of concentration has been dedicated to the problem of probability and uncertainty in Keynes’s General Theory by a set of economists frequently called ‘Post-Keynesians’. Over the years, there have risen a lot of economic theories and propositions which no longer see Keynesianism as a spur. As Chick and Tily (2004) mentions in mainstream economics, Keynes is dead1. Leijonhufvud (2008)2 gives explanations on the hypothetical blindness of the economic profession vis a vis interpretations from Keynesianism of the present financial crisis to conventional reliance on market efficiency theory, expectations based on reason as well as the representative agents3. Wray and Teymogne (2008) m ake us reminiscent of the fact that â€Å"the efficient market hypothesis, like all approaches derived from the old neoclassical theory, relegates money and finance to the sidelines.4†A latest volume, cataloguing the commentary of twelve prominent economists on Keynes’s Economic possibilities for our Grandchildren5, offers an outstanding incident to assess the space between conventional Keynesian views of capitalism with ‘love of money’. Keynes’s disapproval for the money drive and the demanding â€Å"purposeful money-makers (who) may carry all of us along with them into the lap of economic abundance†is dismissed as the befuddled and elitist phrase of moralistic narrow-mindedness and an ideal case in point of an irrational approach to economics. For example, Boldrin and Levine (2009) challenge Keynes for not being clear between real and monetary factors6. On his part, Phelps (2009) considers Keynes condescending approach towards the pursuit for wealth as unusual for an economist7, representative of anti-materialism as well as obscure to every scholastic satisfaction in business. Ohanian (2009) illustrates Keynes’ approach as that of a judgmental and critical social commentator who uses his economist’s pulpit to make a rather puritan-based vision of the future8. Fitoussi (2009) acknowledges that Keynes’ negative response to capitalism, with its acquisitiveness and inconsiderate conduct, is not so badly founded9. He however goes on to coin Keynes’
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Preservation and Conservation of Books
Preservation and Conservation of Books PPRESERVATION AND CONSERVATION OF BOOKS NON – BOOKS IN ASIATIC SOCIETY LIBRARY, MUMBAI: A STUDY Key Words – Library, preservation, conservation. Introduction:- Preservation and conservation of reading resources is central mission of the libraries. Now a days the wind of computerization and digitization blowing everywhere in the world. The libraries are also not behind to them. New emerging technologies such as computer and digitization are the boon For the preservation and conservation of traditional resources. So, I selected the topic on â€Å"preservation and conservation of books and non-books†in the four libraries which are old and situated in Mumbai reason for M. Phil. Degree (Awarded in 2009). But for writing this research paper I have chosen only â€Å"Asiatic society library, fort, Mumbai. Till today many libraries and reading resources destroyed. There are many reasons behind them. Some natural calamities such as fire, flood, climate etc are the factors causes to destroy the libraries. Some times human made attacks on the libraries, wars and biological factors such as micro organisms, white ants like insects etc. tried to destroy the libraries and causes losses of valuable cultural documents of India till . in ancient India Nalanda, Vallabhi, Odantapuri etc. were the excellent knowledge imparted centers. But, some libraries fired by enemy in the war and destroy all the reading resources. So, preservation and conservation is important to save the libraries. History of Asiatic society library : The Asiatic society forms part of the network of institutions created by the British to generate, systematize and disseminate knowledge of India and the Orient a vast body of information learning and knowledge that came to be known as INDOLOGY. The Asiatic Society of Bombay (in 2002 it renamed itself as the Asiatic society of Mumbai) was established in 26th Nov 1804 by a great Savant, Sir James Mackintosh, the recorder of Bombay, with the Objective of â€Å"promoting useful knowledge, particularly connected with India†. The society originally located in government house in Parel (Now there is Hafkin Institute) . In 1931 it moved into the north wings of the newly constructed Town Hall. At that time expenditure of Town Hall building was Rs. 6,56,669/- . (Gurav, anant,p-19) Scope and limitations of the study Every research has some scope and limitations. Title for M. Phil Thesis is â€Å"Preservation and conservation of books and non-books material in old libraries of Mumbai region : A study†. It means the scope and limitations of my study was only four libraries of Mumbai region (awarded in 2009- YCMOU Nasik.) . name of these libraries are as follows. Asiatic Society library, Town Hall, Mumbai (Established-1804) State Central library, Town Hall, Mumbai (1947) Dadar Sarvajanik Vachanalaya, Dadar (1907) S. V. Phatak Granthasangrahalay, Parle (1925) Out of these four libraries in this research paper I want to focus on Asiatic society Library, Mumbai only. Objective of the study. Keeping of reading resources in good condition is very responsible and difficult task. Every library do something to preserve and conserve their resources. Different methods going to uses by different libraries. So, I have to curiosity to know how these libraries preserves reading materials . accordingly my objectives of the study are as follows. 1) To study the present position of preservation and conservation of the book and non books material. 2) To study the factors which causes decaying of reading resources. 3) To study the preservation and conservation of old and rare books. 4) To study of the preservation and conservation and suggest resolution. Hypothesis : following are the hypothesis of research. The selected library is imparting knowledge continuously for many years Library has manuscripts, rare books which are preserved and conserved in good condition. So many readers, researchers and institutions taking benefits of this library. Library is doing a good job for society and helps to make the nation strong. Research Methods : There are different methods of the research. I have used descriptive and historical research methods for this study. Data collection Methods : Data collection is basic and important activity of every research. For data collection I used 1) Questionnaire, 2) Interview, 3) Observation. Method Need of the Study : Traditionally library collection contain a wide range of organic materials including paper, cloth, animal skins and adhesives. Such organic substances undergo a continual and inevitable natural ageing process. Mumbai is the capital of Maharashtra and economic capital of country. Mumbai is metropolitan city. The atmosphere of Mumbai region is hot and humid. Such atmosphere is favorable to create and grow germs, cockroaches, book worms, white-ants that causes decaying and damaging pages of the books. Now the area where Asiatic society library situated is surrounded by newly built skyscrapers. It is important business area with many banks and offices with hustle and bustle of traffic which creates full of dust particles. Such type of atmosphere is harmful to traditional as well as newly book resources. So, I decided to study the libraries which are situated in metropolitan city like Mumbai. Libraries are worked like genes. Genes transfer the human characters from one generation to next generation. Likewise libraries transfer information or knowledge from one generation to next generation with the help of reading resources like books and non book materials. It’s a need of time to save the reading resources and libraries. Data Analysis : Question no 1, 2 and 3 are related to the general information of the library. The Q. No. 4 asked information about forms and types of reading resources available in the library. Received data are shoe in the following table follows. The table No. 1: Forms and Number of Reading Resources. Bar Chart Shows forms and No. of Available Resources in the Library. The Intention of Question no .6 is to find out total sections of the library and have there a separate section for preservation and conservation. The find out comes as following. Table No.2 : Sections of Library Question No. 7 was asked about readers of the library. In the Asiatic society library every day 25 members visited to the library and 2500 are lifetime members. members of library are students, teachers and some institutions also. Question No. 9 was about the personnel’s of the library. In this library there are following personnel recruited on different posts in the library. Table No. 3 : personnel When observation of above table of personnel found that there are separate skilled and qualified personnel are recruited in preservation, conservation and binding section. Question No. 11 is asked on preservation and conservation policy of the library. For more information I also taken separate interview of preservation, conservation and binding sections personnel. What I got information is very important and very few libraries follow such policy. The received data are as follows. Library has three sections such as preservation, conservation and book binding. Every section has its separate function. Preservation section is established in 1995. Under this section old, rare, damaged books and manuals are converted in to microform and preserved. 5-6 palm leaves are also preserved in microform. Conservation section : tissuing process Conservation section of this library is established in 1991. Under this section the books which are damaged by acidity and tearing the pages of the books, such books they processed with tissuing method and increase the life of the books. In tissuing process there are three steps which are described as follows. Fumigation : this is the 1st step in tissuing process. in fumigation process all the books (which are selected for tissuing) are make insect free / microorganism free by keeping books in fumigation (fumes of insecticides like Thymol) chamber. After fumigation books putout and separated its pages and clean all these pages with soft brush. These cleaned pages forward to ‘Deacidification’ process. Deacidification : this is the 2nd step of tissuing. In this process set of 2-3 fumigated pages ties with wire mesh. This wire mesh with tied pages pours into 10 liter water for half an hour. After then these pages pour into alkaline liquid (Calcium hydroxide) for half an hour. In this process eradicate the complete acidity of the pages. Lastly these acid free pages wash in normal water and dried naturally. These dried pages used for tissuing process. Tissuing : this is the 3rd and last step of tissuing process. Tissuing process is like lamination process. In this process Japanese tissue paper is mostly used. Tissue paper is special and very thin transparent paper. This tissue paper called as â€Å"lanced tissue paper†it is acid free paper. In this process acid free (2nd step) pages put on wax paper and the paste spread over it by the brush. Then take large tissue paper paste both side of the page of book and excess tissue paper cut equal with page size and lastly this tissued pages sent to binding section for binding. In this way personnel of conservation section told that with the help of tissuing process increase the life of books for hundred years. Binding Section: Binding section of this library is oldest section. In this section continuous binding work is going on . they bind of old books, new arrival books, news papers (2) and atlases. Every year Average1800 books bind by this section. This section used self made paste for binding and it is insecticide. It means binding section of this library is also very alert in preservation and conservation of library resources. Question No.16 was asked about enemies of reading resources. Accordingly in this library the readers, mouse, cockroaches, white ants, silverfishes, dust and rain water which comes from window these are the factors which damage or destroy the library resources. They also mention that to protect the books from dust we uses vacuum cleaner. Question No. 19 asked to take the information about preservation and conservation of non books. They replied that we keep maps and atlases in flat position (without folding) in cabinet and sometimes if required bind it. They bind two news papers such as times of india and national herald tributes. For security of microfilm they keep all the microfilm in 3-4 degree centigrade temperature. Question No.21 was asked to about protection of library from fire like calamity. The Asiatic society library has facility of fire extinguisher to control the fire like calamity and they also the facility of fog extinguisher to protect library fog like calamity. Conclusion : Considering the received data, hypothesis and objective of the study the conclusions are as follows. The Asiatic Society library is the old library and provides the best services to its members since 1804. Library has available books and non-books material which keeps in good condition. Found separate Preservation, conservation and binding section of the library and played very vital roles in increasing the life of reading resources. Some rare books , manuscripts and palm leaves are converted in microfilm form and saved. Found Facility of fire extinguisher and fog extinguisher from the security of fire and fog. To protect the reading resources from dust there is a facility of vacuum cleaner. In this way Asiatic society library’s work in field of preservation and conservation is definitely valuable in the field of library and information science. REFERANCES: 1) Chaudhary, S. K. : Library Preservation and conservation, APH pub. Corporation, New Delhi, 2011 2) Anant Gurav : Vishwa Granthalayache, Aarati prakashan, dombivali, 1998. 3) Joshi Laxmanshastri : Marathi Vishwakosh (vol 5 13), Maharashtra Rajya Sahity Sanskrari Mandal, 1977 1987. 4) Annual Report of The Asiatic Society of Mumbai and The Library of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai, 2006-07. Pamphlet of Asiatic society library. 5) Mukharjee, B. B. : Preservations of Library Materials, Archives and documents, the world press pvt. Ltd., Calcutta. 1
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