Wednesday, August 26, 2020
EMT Task Free Essays
string(66) condition which expects me to take medicine on an every day basis. My mom was in a posse and I have heard repulsiveness stories session the pack movement in Pipelines years prior. A few squares were asserted by an alternate pack. Master for offer you were in an inappropriate square or wearing an inappropriate hues. We will compose a custom exposition test on EMT Task or then again any comparative subject just for you Request Now You would get beat up or â€Å"jumped. †I despite everything see some group movement however I think it has diminished throughout the years. It appears as though the old posse individuals are at war with network associations. These groups are frantically attempting to select new individuals, while youth associations are attempting to shield kids from joining the posse by giving better chances. 3. How are the schools in Pipelines? The schools have improved a ton. The schools appear to think increasingly about their understudies, when they are in school, however outside of the school also. I feel like there is increasingly social decent variety in the schools, and along these lines, understudies are getting familiar with different families and their disparities. 4. What sorts of administrations are offered in schools and in your locale for families with kids who have unique needs? My sibling has extraordinary necessities. That is something my mother consistently grumbles about. My sibling was determined to have a psychological issue a couple of years back. His secondary teachers marked him as apathetic and not having any desire to take an interest. They had no clue he was experiencing something individual and passionate. My mom needed to haul him out of school and achy to go home him since she said that the educators were not carrying out their responsibility. She visited his secondary school on various events attempting to get the school to do a PEP for him. It never completed. Inevitably, my sibling lost all enthusiasm for coming back to class when his condition compound. A portion of the instructors didn't accept that he was really wiped out. One educator even said something saying why wasn’t there anything accomplished for him in his primary school. All things considered, he wasn’t determined to have exceptional deeds until he arrived at secondary school and endured a horrible encounter. Wish that the school was increasingly touchy about this issue. Possibly along these lines he would have had the option to complete school. Presently he just remains at home and relies upon us for help. It makes me tragic that the network doesn't have numerous assets for kids with extraordinary requirements. 5. Are there enough places for kids to go to follow school while their folks are grinding away? For instance: Community focuses, youth advancement programs, day care focuses, etc†¦? Truly, schools offer after school programs, park areas offer after school exercises, and different spots, similar to the library, offer schoolwork help. There are a couple of day care focuses that offer budgetary help to low salary families, in the event that they can’t stand to pay for day care. My younger sibling goes to a program at the recreation center locale. My mom pays $5 for 3 months. That is nothing contrasted with other private day cares. My sister can stroll there after school (it’s just 3 traffic lights away) with a gathering of different understudies. She is there from 2:pm until pm when she gets got by one of us. While she is there, she does a ton of fun stuff with the children from the area. 6. Do these after school spots offer learning assets for families? Provided that this is true, what kinds of assets are accessible? Indeed, Gaza Sultan offers an after school program for kids and SSL classes for guardians. Bonito Curare High School has Parent-college, which offers GEED, SSL, Computer classes and child rearing abilities for guardians and the recreation center region which my sister goes to offers programs like free suppers, reasonable day camp, and they even host an occasion gathering where the children get Christmas presents. This is wonderful on the grounds that a few families can’t stand to purchase their children Christmas presents. We are one of those families. 7. Is Pipelines a moderate spot to live and raise a family? Pipelines is much less expensive than Lincoln park and Logan Square, that’s without a doubt. This is the reason a great deal of understudies decide to live in Pipelines. Lease is increasingly moderate. My mom discusses moving out of Pipelines constantly, however when she perceives how costly lease is in different neighborhoods she rapidly adjusts her perspective. She likewise feels that moving will make things progressively distressing for my sibling. He realizes this local well and she believes that moving to another local will befuddle him and most likely negatively affect him. The neighbors likewise know him, they are aware of his condition, and consequently, she eels he is protected here. 8. Are there free assets for low salary families? There are a lot of free assets for low salary families. The best spot to look is the library. They generally post network data on their announcement sheets and numerous associations drop off pamphlets with their data and administrations. My mother knows a great deal of spots where they offer free administrations. She exploits these. 9. What is the network doing so as to roll out positive improvements in the area? There is a program for youth called After School Matters. I worked with them a couple of years back. After School Matters urges supervisors to find out about craftsmanship and the young are urged to show their work of art through wall paintings around the area. Associations like this, enable youngsters to feel glad for their work. I certainly felt a feeling Of pride at whatever point I strolled past a wall painting I realize I helped paint. 10. What is inadequate in the Pipelines neighborhood? Rear that we need more assets for families who can’t bear the cost of clinical protection. Some people group associations offer wellbeing screenings for the older and a few schools offer free dental and vision checks for their understudies however it doesn’t go past a basic check - up. I fall into this classification. I have an ailment which expects me to take drug every day. You read EMT Task in class Papers My mom had Public Aid protection which is protection given by the legislature to the individuals who can’t bear to pay for clinical protection. The terrible part about this is once killed 19, was removed her protection since I was not, at this point her ward. Subterranean insect land protection through my position since I am not a full time representative and I don't qualify and can’t stand to buy my own clinical protection since I don't win enough salary. I would need to pick, it is possible that I pay for school and school supplies, or I pay for declined and clinical consideration. I decide to pay for my instructive costs. Follow up question: How would you get by without medicine, if this is something you need every day? I simply do. At the point when the torment is horrendous, I take the same number of over the counter medications as I can securely take. I have had a go at calling various emergency clinics, facilities, and associations to check whether anybody can help me at any rate get the medication I need, yet I have had no karma. I don't have the foggiest idea what other place to search for help. My mom has called such a significant number of individuals, I think they all know what her identity is and deliberately move her to various divisions Stephanie chuckles and discovers humor in this) since they don’t need to converse with her. As of late applied for the Obama Medical thingy. I trust I get endorsed. 1. Do you know who your locale heads are and what they’ve done as of late to support your neighborhood? Eave no thought what their identity is and what they do, however I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the occupants here are the ones who work the hardest to improve the network. I should know what their identity is however, perhaps one of them can assist me with getting clinical protection! (snickering). 12. Reveal to me one association that helps families. For what reason did you pick this association? Measures Latinist en Action. This association enables ladies with the goal that ladies can deal with their families and be solid head of families. MALE assists families with finding various assets in the network. They additionally have an incredible early kid hood intercession program which assists youngsters with getting the assist they with requiring at a youthful age. I think it is such a great amount of better to get identified right on time with any extraordinary needs or any ailments, it appears as though there is more assistance out there for more youthful children, rather than us more seasoned ones. In the event that I needed to move to one side with the goal that an infant can find support before me, I would. I don't have an issue with that. 13. To what extent do you figure you will live here and why? I plan to live in Pipelines for an incredible remainder. I couldn't imagine anything better than to raise a family here. I love Pipelines. Love the area and the craftsmanship. M a craftsman. Have a place here. B. Outline Stephanie Moline works in a kid care focus in the North side of Chicago. She has been working there for a long time. The youngsters she manages at work originate from a n unexpected class in comparison to the kids in her neighborhood. Stephanie expressed that she works generally with high class families and once in a while infant sits for them to make additional money. Stephanie has been living in Pipelines for a long time. She was conceived in Pipelines. â€Å"My mother has moved around a couple of times however I have consistently decided to remain behind, with my grandma. I will never leave Pipelines. †Stephanie expressed this immovably. I picked Stephanie for my meeting since she is a workmanship understudy who has lived in Pipelines her whole life. I needed to know why she has never left Pipelines and what makes Pipelines so extraordinary. Stephanie is notable in the area. She has heaps of companions and has chipped in huge numbers of the associations which assist kids with remaining off the lanes. Met Stephanie around 15 years prior when I chipped in the primary school which she joined in. Stephanie was continually going near and appeared to be really occupied for a little youngster. Frequently asked her where she was running off to and her reaction was, craftsmanship class, photography class, or to the library. Stephanie was associated with such a large number of the adolescent projects accessible in Pipelines. Know since I chipped in most and I s
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Nurse management in the hospital setting Assignment
Medical attendant administration in the emergency clinic setting - Assignment Example With assorted variety in thoughts, there is confirmation that a ultimate choice will be conceptualized upon and will be the best. Group works additionally include the benefit of improving correspondence among the representatives just as getting them to know one another (West, 2012). The main system to make a positive group atmosphere is to give the colleagues opportunity to be inventive and work without greatest management. This won't just permit imagination however will encourage more plans to be given and all the more conceptualizing without individuals being apprehensive or apprehensive. The other procedure is to blend the colleagues as per their varying capacities and character. These methodologies will undoubtedly guarantee to groups invest less energy tending to individual issues or contending and additionally doing their assignments. At last the other methodology to a positive group result is to set cutoff time on the task or undertaking. The cutoff time will guarantee that they don't take part in superfluous exercises but instead simply center around the current work (West, 2012). The principal system is convenience. This includes one gathering in the contention permitting the other party to fulfill their interests and disregard their own as an approach to end the contention calmly. This is a sacrificial refereeing methodology. The other methodology to oversee strife is evasion. This includes abstaining from making any move whatsoever about the contention or in any event, giving any consideration to the current contention. Trading off is another peace making procedure which includes endeavor to fathom the contention by discovering approaches to somewhat explain the contention and fulfill the two gatherings yet without totally fulfilling any gathering. This just oversees in subduing the contention for some time. In conclusion is cooperation which includes attempting to make each gathering comprehend the worries of the other party being referred to as approach to discover common arrangement and advance comprehension. In the event that this method succeeds, at that point the contention is overseen for longer periods or even finished
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Some CPW Thoughts
Some CPW Thoughts CPW hosts This past week, my colleagues and I spent many, many hours matching you with an MIT student host for CPW. With a record number of you expected for CPW, and a large portion of the campus hoping to serve as a host for you, you can imagine how time consuming this can be. Even daylight saving time didnt help me leave the office before dark. Most of you should hear from your CPW hosts tonight or tomorrow. Even if for some reason you dont, dont worry I assure you we have a host for you. CPW invades my dreams After the long workdays this week, I couldnt even escape CPW while I was sleeping. One night, I dreamed that one of the performances at the CPW Closing on Saturday was me and Samuel L. Jackson reciting lines from Snakes on a Plane. Im not really sure why we were doing it at CPW. I remember Sam and I having a conversation about whether it was approporiate for him to censor himself when delivering his famous line from the film (Ive had it with these snakes on this plane.). Another night, after seeing the new banner for the Class of 2011 Facebook group, I had a dream where I visited Snively at his school. I walked in in the middle of biology lab class, and the teacher didnt think it was odd that some random stranger just sauntered on into the room. CPW weather The sometimes-reliable is predicting highs in the 40s/lows in the 30s for CPW (whats been up with the weather across the country lately?). Theyre also predicting rain for Thursday, thought the rest of the weekend is looking okay. Pack/dress accordingly! Things I missed this week while host matching Jamaica Kincaid lecture Three lectures by Terry Tao Talk by Apprentice/MIT alum Randall Pinkett Ben and Marilee rehearsing for Battle of the Bands Desi Pardesi: The MIT South Asian American Students Cultural Show Breakonomics breakdancing/bboying Jam MIT Hawaii Club Luau 2007: Authentic Hawaiian Luau with onolicious Hawaiian food, local musical entertainment from the islands, tahitian dancers, hula dancers, samoan dancers, and great company! Thoughts Its a lot of work to prepare for CPW, but when everyone arrives, it all becomes worth it. I cant wait to meet you (or see you again)!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Animal Farm, By George Orwell - 1002 Words
The February Revolution actually began March 8th, 1917 or February 23 according to the Julian calendar that Russia used during that time period. Joseph Stalin was appointed soon after to serve on the Central Committee of the Bolshevik party in 1912 by Lenin who was placed in exile in Switzerland. Stalin became the dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1929-53) (Vail 120). Everyone would soon realize that Stalin ruled by terror with many of his own citizen’s deaths during his brutal supremacy. After Lenin’s death Stalin would have potential enemies executed or sent to labor camps. In the novel Animal Farm, it began with the ruling of Major the prize’ Middle White boar who is highly regarded on the farm. Major had a dream for the farm that all animals would be equal saying â€Å"No animal must kill another animal; all animals are equal†(Orwell 13). After, Majors death Napoleon a was a large fierce-looking Berkshire boar, the only one on the farm. Napoleon was very well with getting his own way with any animal on the farm. His accomplice Snowball was a more vivacious pig, quicker in speech and more resourceful without the same depth in character as Napoleon. Napoleon ruled the Farm with the help of snowball over-throwing the mean Mr. Jones of manor farm. Mr. Jones was a drunken old man that took very little care of his animals on the farm. Mr. Jones worked his animals and gave them little to nothing in food or time to rest. He treated the animals with no respectShow MoreRelatedAnimal Farm And George Orwell By George Orwell1034 Words  | 5 Pages Eric Arthur Blair, under the pseudonym of George Orwell, composed many novels in his lifetime that were considered both politically rebellious and socially incorrect. Working on the dream since childhood, Orwell would finally gain notoriety as an author with his 1945 novel Animal Farm, which drew on personal experiences and deeply rooted fear to satirically critique Russian communism during its expansion. Noticing the impact he made, he next took to writing the novel 1984, which similarly criticizedRead MoreAnimal Farm By George Orwell1397 Words  | 6 PagesAn important quote by the influential author of Animal Farm, George Orwell, is, â€Å"Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism.†George Orwell, a Democratic Socialist, wrote the book Animal Farm as an attack on the Communist country of Russia (â€Å"The Political Ideas of George Orwell,† He had a very strong disliking of Communism and the Socialist party of Russia. However, he insisted on finding the truthRead MoreAnimal Farm, By George Orwell1545 Words  | 7 Pagesallow because an this elite institution of people often use this gear to dominate and oppress society. In George Orwell’s story, Animal Farm, Orwell demonstrates that education is a powerful weapon and is a device that can be used to at least one’s benefit. Living in a world where strength is a straightforward to benefit, the pigs quick use education to govern the relaxation of the animals on the farm to serve themselves worked to their advantage. This story in shows the underlying message that  firstRead MoreAnimal Farm By George Orwell944 Words  | 4 Pageslegs(Orwell 132). He carried a whip in his trotter(Orwell 133). In the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell, animals have the ability to talk and form their own ethos, Animalism. Animal Farm is an intriguing allegory by George Orwell, who is also th e author of 1984, includes many enjoyable elements. More knowledge of the author, his use of allegorical elements, themes, symbols, and the significance in the real world, allows the reader to get more out of this glance into the future. George OrwellRead MoreAnimal Farm, By George Orwell876 Words  | 4 Pagesrebellious animals think no man means freedom and happiness, but they need to think again. The animals of Manor Farm rebel against the farm owner, Mr. Jones, and name it Animal Farm. The animals create Animalism, with seven commandments. As everything seems going well, two of the animals get into a rivalry, and things start changing. Food starts disappearing and commandments are changed, and the power begins to shift. Father of dystopian genre, George Orwell writes an interesting allegory, Animal FarmRead MoreAnimal Farm by George Orwell1100 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction: Widely acknowledged as a powerful allegory, the 1945 novella Animal Farm, conceived from the satirical mind of acclaimed author George Orwell, is a harrowing fable of a fictional dystopia that critiques the socialist philosophy of Stalin in terms of his leadership of the Soviet Union. Tired of their servitude to man, a group of farm animals revolt and establish their own society, only to be betrayed into worse servitude by their leaders, the pigs, whose initial virtuous intentionsRead MoreAnimal Farm By George Orwell1538 Words  | 7 PagesMecca Animal Farm The Russian Revolution in 1917 shows how a desperate society can be turned into a military superpower filled with terror and chaos. George Orwell uses his book, Animal Farm, to parallel this period of time in history. This book is an allegory of fascism and communism and the negative outcomes. The animals begin with great unity, working toward a common goal. The government then becomes corrupted by the temptations of power. George Orwell uses the characters in Animal Farm to showRead MoreAnimal Farm by George Orwell1175 Words  | 5 PagesAn enthusiastic participant in the Spanish civil war in 1936, George Orwell had a great understanding of the political world and made his strong opinions known through his enlightening literary works, many of which are still read in our modern era. Inspired by the 1917 Russian Revolution and the failed society it resulted in, Animal Farm by George Orwell is an encapsulating tale that epitomises how a free utopian society so idealistic can never be accomplished. The novella exemplifies how influencesRead MoreAnimal Farm, By George Orwell1089 Words  | 5 PagesIn George Orwell’s â€Å"Animal Farm†, the pigs as the farm leaders, use unknown language, invoke scare tactics and create specific laws, thereby enabling them to control other animals, to suit their greedy desires, and to perform actions outside their realm of power. Because of the pigs’ use of broad language, and the implementation of these tactics they are able to get away with avoiding laws, and are able to convince other animals into believing untrue stories that are beneficial to the pigs. The firstRead MoreAnimal Farm, By George Orwell1212 Words  | 5 PagesShe stood there over the dead animals thinking to herself what have we come to? We try to become free but we just enslave ourselves to a so called superior kind. Napoleon killed the animals in front of the whole farm and said that this was to be the punishment for the traitors. Snowball was known as a traitor now and anyone conspiring with him would be killed. Snowball and Napoleon both represent historical characters during the Russian revolution in 1917.Snowball who was one of the smartest pigs
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
A Comparison Of Advocates And Adversaries Of Animal Research
A Comparison of Advocates and Adversaries of Animal Research Tony Lee April 20, 2015 Dr. Baine Craft Abstract The belligerent perspectives of animal research hold strongly to different goals. Advocates hold the view that animal research is beneficial to science and medicine, which can be applied for humans and animals alike. This is opposite from the perspective of adversaries who value the life of an animal, as well as related lives. History shows the progression of the adversaries influence through policy reforms and societal shifts in thinking, while never truly solving the issue of ethics in animal research. The central theme of this paper is to elaborate on the two conflicting tensions by providing historical and†¦show more content†¦This dichotomy remains relevant as certain groups of animal rights activists continue to progress research towards more humane protocol (Galvin Herzog, 1992), while research advocates believe such practices are necessary and should involve less hindrances in order to fulfill research goals (Lyons, 2011). Precedent suggests that the majority of sur veyors support animal research due to its benefits in furthering medical applications (Dolan, 2002; Lund, Morkbak, Lassen, Sandoe, 2014), yet animal rights advocates have endured a historic conflict. Such advocates have perpetuated paradigmatic discussion for contemplating the weaknesses in animal research policies (e.g. the subjective scaling of research severity – mild, moderate, severe) (Lyons, 2011). When analyzing the perspectives of advocates and adversaries through history and studies, the ability to determine the ethicality of animal research is impossible. More legislation against animal research is not necessarily the answer, but one political solution has been to settle the dissension through a personalized assessment of individual cases (Rollins, 2006). If animal research continues, a case-by-case analysis of research studies is the only ethical manner to appease the tension between advocates and adversaries. History has shown the tension between advocates and adversaries of animal research to be belligerent. Attitudes
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Target for Overnight Rate Free Essays
The target for the overnight rate-the main tool used by the Bank of Canada to conduct monetary policy. The Bank carries out monetary policy by influencing short-term interest rates. It does this by raising and lowering the target for the overnight rate. We will write a custom essay sample on Target for Overnight Rate or any similar topic only for you Order Now The overnight rate is the interest rate at which major financial institutions borrow and lend one day funds among themselves; the Bank sets a target level for that rate. This target for the overnight rate is often referred to as the Bank’s key interest rate or key policy rate. Changes in the target for the overnight rate influence other interest rates, such as those for consumer loans and mortgages. They can also affect the exchange of the Canadian dollar. In November 2000, the Bank introduced a system of eight fixed dates each year on which it announces whether or not it will change the key policy rate. The Target for the Overnight Rate is the main tool used by the Bank of Canada to conduct monetary policy for this reason, it is also known as the policy interest rate. It tells major financial institutions the average interest rate that the Bank wants to see in the market where they lend each other money overnight. When the Bank changes the Target for the Overnight Rate, this change affects other interest rates in the economy. Canada’s major financial institutions routinely borrow and lend money overnight among themselves, in order to cover their transactions at the end of the day. Through the Large Value Transfer System (LVTS), these institutions conduct large transactions with each other electronically. At the end of the day, they need to settle with each other. One bank may have funds left over, while another bank may need money. The trading in funds that allows all institutions to cover their transactions at the end of the day takes place in the overnight market. The interest rate charged on those loans is called the overnight rate. The transmission mechanism of monetary policy The transmission mechanism is the complex chain of cause and effect that runs from the Bank of Canada’s actions to changes in asset prices, aggregate demand, the output gap and, eventually, inflation. Among economists, there is some debate about the nature of the transmission mechanism. Engert and Selody (1998), for example, emphasize the important distinction between the passive-money and active-money views of the transmission mechanism and argue that the possibility of making policy errors can be reduced by paying attention to both views. Even among those who agree on the broad nature of the mechanism, there is recognition of considerable uncertainty regarding the timing and quantitative importance of specific linkages. A collection of speeches and research papers published by the Bank of Canada (1996) provides a mainstream view of the transmission mechanism. The transmission mechanism is best understood by tracing through the effects of a hypothetical policy decision. For example, consider a situation akin to that in the autumn of 2004, when the Bank had good reason to expect that the solid economic recovery occurring both in Canada and in the global economy would create pressures for Canadian inflation to rise over the coming months. In this case, the Bank’s policy response was to raise its target for the overnight interest rate. How to cite Target for Overnight Rate, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Meaning of Life and Success free essay sample
Extended Definition Essay Success The most Important thing In my life Is thought to be happiness. In order to achieve success you must adjust to very situation with ease. Success Is It the process of doing a task and receiving a positive result, or Is It simply achieving ones own personal goals. According to The American Heritage dictionary success Is, the achievement of something desired, planned, or attempt. The word success itself means to achieve your goal or get the point that you looking for. Some people success meant to them to be rich or to finish school and work high pay Jobs. But for me success means more han that. Success means to me have peace and love; also to get married and to enter heaven after this life is over. To be sure, everybody who has peace and love is a successful succeeding person. Wthout peace and love there is no success. We will write a custom essay sample on Meaning of Life and Success or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page You wake up in the morning and you dont worry about anything that day; that is success for me, because the life is short, you dont have to be concerned about anything. Also if you have a family that loves you and is always happy for what you are doing, that is success. In addition, if you take care of your old parents and they love you and they live a happy life, which is uccess tor me. Additionally, success Is also something that Is viewed differently In the eyes of everyone. This is because success means doing what I have always wanted do being where I have always wanted to be. My goal In life Is to eventually get married toa good wife and have many happy children and If I accomplished that, then I could view myself as having success. Lastly, meaning of success for me Is to enter the heaven after this life Is over. We know that life in this world is too short, and we dont know when we are going to die and what we are going to get after this life. That is a simple answer; do good deeds in this world and you are going to be successful in the Ife hereafter. That means you enter the heaven for sure and that is big reward from God to his mankind. There is no dying after this life; that means f you dont enter the heaven you will be the loser and who ever go in the heaven will be the winner. In conclusion, I still agree with the Idea I presented: however according to the dictionary and many other resources, success means to them achievement. But according to my own opinion success means to believe the ones of God, and to have eace and love in your whole life, and to get in heaven the life hereafter. Meaning of Life and Success BY elm12696 The most important thing in my life is thought to be happiness. In order to achieve success you must adjust to very situation with ease. Success is it the process of doing a task and receiving a positive result, or is it simply achieving ones own personal goals. According to The American Heritage dictionary success is, the achievement of Without peace and love there is no success. You wake up in the morning and you you dont have to be concerned about anything. Also if you have a family that loves uccess for me. Additionally, success is also something that is viewed differently in the eyes of where I have always wanted to be. My goal in life is to eventually get married to a good wife and have many happy children and if I accomplished that, then I could Lastly, meaning of success for me is to enter the heaven after this life is over. We this world and you are going to be successful in the life hereafter. That means you no dying after this life; that means if you dont enter the heaven you will be the loser In conclusion, I still agree with the idea I presented: however according to the
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Miss Havisham as a Mysterious and Complex Presence Essay Example
Miss Havisham as a Mysterious and Complex Presence Essay Example Miss Havisham as a Mysterious and Complex Presence Paper Miss Havisham as a Mysterious and Complex Presence Paper Essay Topic: A Woman Killed With Kindness The novel Is written retrospectively using first person narration. This gives the reader the impression that they are part of an intimate and confessional storytelling. Pip first meets Miss Having when he is summoned to play with her adopted daughter Estella. Stats house is set in a very upper class area but is very run down, the windows and doors are barred and locked, to keep people in as well as out. Its gothic architecture adds to the dark and brooding Image of the house and its occupant. The readers first Introduction to Miss Having occurs when Pip enters her room which is gloomy and 11th only by candlelight. She Is dressed In rich materials. Silks, satins and ace, all in white which has now yellowed and shabby with age very similar to her jaundiced attitude towards men. She continued to wear her veil, a pagan representation of virginity and dried and decayed flowers in her hair. In contrast she wears shining jewels around her hands and neck. He observes that the dress that she Is wearing had been put on the figure of a young woman and the carcass on which It now hangs had shrunk to skin and bone. The gloomy and decaying theme continues throughout PIPs encounters with MISS Having. Dickens uses words Like faded, no brightness, like black fungus and the daylight was completely excluded to relate the atmosphere of both the house and its inhabitant. As he walks towards her he notices that all the clocks have stopped at twenty minutes to nine and she says: Look at me, you are not afraid of a woman who has not seen the sun since you were born? again emphasizing the dark aura surrounding her. Dickens uses a great deal of figurative language In the novel relating to death and decay, especially in his description of MISS Having. She openly speaks of having her heart broken. Pip notices that it is as if she has stopped living and that her life as she knew it had need once her engagement was broken. It is as if she is permanently stuck in the past and cannot or will not move forward. She literally did not see the light of day from this point. We learn later that her fiance © Composers abandoned her on her wedding morning at this exact time. Pip describes Miss Hafniums appearance when he first meets her as the strangest lady I have ever seen. He Is anxious, scared and confused and his childlike use of vivid imagery conjures up a vision of a macabre and decrepit old woman. He likens her to a ghastly waxwork he saw at a fair and also to skeleton he once saw in a church. Pips description of her represents two stages where in effect life has stopped. Here Dickens appears to suggest that although Miss Having has succeeded in stopping her own advancement when she received the letter, namely ten malting AT ten clocks, ten continual wearing AT nerd waling clothes and the wedding cake decaying on the table, she is unable to stop the passage of time, and prevent her body deteriorating. Pip notes So she sat corpse like. Another reference to death, not only physical, but that of love dying. Miss Having was bought up by her father with no maternal influence. This may explain her difficulty to bestow love on Pip and Estella and the harsh way in which she treats them. She had been badly treated by men throughout her life, her father who spoiled her and denied her nothing, ensuring that she does not have the usual boundaries of childhood, and her fiance © and half brother, the former who courted and finally Jilted her and who along with the latter swindled her out of a fortune. She is obsessive in her attempt to get revenge on Composers and in all men in general. During the Victorian era there was a great divide between rich and poor and social class was very important. Pip came from the working class and as such was not highly educated. He feels embarrassed about his social status and when Estelle mocks him for being a common labouringly boy with course hands, Miss Having does nothing to chastise her, in fact she seems to revel in his discomfiture. Miss Having taunts Pip with Estella beauty and finds a perverse pleasure in encouraging Estella to break his (and other mens) hearts. This is Just the beginning of her cruelties to Estella and Pip. Throughout the novel she tampers with their lives. She pretends that it was her who was Pips benefactress, and she is controlling from the very start, for instance when Pip comes to play at Stats House; she mutters witch-like incantations at him: Play, play, play And love her, love her, love her Pip falls madly in love with Estella, something that Miss Having in her warped frame of mind, enjoys. She relishes the fact that Pip has fallen for Estella and is enjoying seeing some-one love another person so strongly only to have their heart broken as she had many years before. Dickens makes a very interesting comparison between Miss Having and the convict Magnetic, who it turns out is Estella father, in that they were both cheated by Composers. However, there is a stark contrast in their chose n methods of revenge. She chooses to become manipulative and evil towards Pip and Estella. Whereas Magnetic remembers Pips kindness and chooses to be benevolent towards Pip in order to ease him towards the position of a gentleman. Dickens uses clever reference to color throughout his description of Miss Having. The white of her clothes, which represents purity along with the yellow of decay. When Miss Having is burning from setting her clothes on fire, the red of the flames could be seen as a representation of love. It is interesting that earlier in the text she is referred to as the witch of the place and that the conflagration could be likened to a witch being burned at the stake. The reader can recognize the comparison between her being aflame and the emotion of love which can be said to be a burning desire. This is the last reference to her being a witch-like figure in the story, and in ways can be seen to be her being cleansed by fire, a biblical reference. On Pips last visit to Cats, he is no longer a young boy, he is an adult and has a different perspective of the world. He is older and wiser and the roles of he and Miss Having have reversed. He has come to ask a favor of her, namely to borrow some money, rather than when he was young and she always asked things of him. Interestingly although she asked things of him, it was always in a demanding way and she had to be in control. However now seen Is Digging Nils Eternalness. seen reels Tanat cannot Torture nerd UT t D I Is more important to her that Pip does. Dickens ensures that the reader considers whether Miss Hafniums fate was deserved. She was indeed cruel to both Pip and Estella, however she had led a very sad and unfulfilled life and her life ended in a very cruel ay. She did in the end appear to find a friend in Pip and begs his forgiveness for her maltreatment of him. Pip like a true gentleman does in fact forgive her before she dies. A mind mortally hurt and diseased this is perhaps the most significant quote in the novel. It articulates the vital complexity of her character, describing her as a victim who became an antagonist as a consequence of her maltreatment during childhood by her father, and during womanhood by Composers. Miss Having is presented as a mysterious presence by primarily not being revealed until late in the book. However, her obsession with revenge and her likeness to a witch also are contributory factors, and conjure images and perceptions in the readers head of what Miss Having is really like and her appearance. Once revealed, she is still retains a mysterious presence especially when she is killed by being set alight a witch-like way to die, and in her time of dying she finally apologizes to Pip and Estella for all the wrong she has done to them. Bibliography Dickens, C. (1860) Great Expectations. Hawse, D (2007) Charles Dickens. London: Continuum Davis, P. (1999) Charles Dickens A-Z. Checkmate Books
Thursday, February 20, 2020
The role and structure of IASB Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
The role and structure of IASB - Essay Example This group formulating and developing accounting standards turned out to be the basis of the establishment of an independent accounting body for the purpose of issuing accounting standards to be used worldwide, which was named as International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) (Knowledge Guide to International Accounting Standards, accessed 14.02.06). The International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) was formed in the year 1973 in the pursuit of international community towards the development of accounting standards capable of being used throughout the world and IASC focused on this mission soon after its creation. Initially ten countries collaborated their efforts for the formation of International Accounting Standards Committee. During the reign of IASC, several accounting standards were developed but the goal of harmonisation could not be achieved due the lack of implementation of those standards. Furthermore, those standards provided great room for the manipulators to play around with the rules and regulation. It was in 1997 that IASC realised the significance of harmonised accounting standards and the increasing need for comparability of financial statements at a global level leading to the restructuring and remodelling of IASC. In the year 2001, the standard setting responsibilities of International Accounting Standards Committee was taken over by the new International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) with a view to restructure it to meet the challenges of the 21st century (Accounting: Introduction: background to the introduction of International Accounting Standards: a brief history, accessed 14.02.06). The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) works under the supervision of International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation (IASCF), which was created in March 2001. The existing new structure consists of IASB, being given the responsibility to formulate and
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Do you think advertising is always deceptive Can you ever trust an ad Research Paper
Do you think advertising is always deceptive Can you ever trust an ad - Research Paper Example Some company products may use a celebrity in their adverts. This endorsement then proves to be deceptive as the celebrity may not be using the products. The use of the celebrity is just a thing to lure the consumers into buying the products (Cross, 2007). With this, then my trust in advertisements is withdrawn and hardly can I trust the ads. Trust refers to the reliance on an entity or a person. Trust in this context refers to the reliance on the ability, quality and quantity of the product or service being advertised. A consumer may withdraw his or her trust from the adverts due to the deceptive adverts by the companies (Babin, 2010). Most companies may manipulate the measuring standards and units. This means that the product will be different in quantity and measurement. This can be shown by a company that deals with measurable items such as fluids and measurable solid materials. The company could state that products are packed in a liter bottle but in real sense the fluids could be less by some milliliters. The same case applies to the solid measurable items which may be deficient by a few milligrams. This then makes the consumers have little trust in the ads and so do I (Cross, 2007). These companies may also give misleading illustrations through indications of additional ingredients in the products more than ones used. This then gives wrong information about the product and the consumer unknowingly uses the product which later does not give the desired satisfaction (Babin, 2010). Some of these adverts may claim that there is no risk of using the product and that the company will refund you if not satisfied. This claim seems very false as the company may not even refund you the money. Some other companies may employ bait and switch where they advertise unavailable products then when the consumer comes to purchase, he or she is given a different product of a higher value. This makes consumers have little faith in the advertisements and neither can
Monday, January 27, 2020
An Analysis Of Facebooks Advertising Methods
An Analysis Of Facebooks Advertising Methods Introduction Defining Advertising is the non-personal communication of giving information usually paid for which usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media. Now, I would like to lets take this statement apart and see what it should be. Advertising is bringing a product and service to the attention of potential and current customers. Advertising is focused on one particular product or service. Thus, an advertising plan for one product might be very different than that for another product. Advertising is typically done with signs, brochures, commercials, direct mailings or e-mail messages, personal contact, etc. The first assumption that was queried related to purchasing itself, in terms of what advertising would achieve if it was effective. This assumption was advertising achieved the conversion. In the sense of converting loyal user of the other brand to loyal users of the brand advertised. We pointed out that this pattern, although it could on occasion be found in actual purchasing sequences, was actually quite rare. It also happen in this case: I have always bought brand B, but now I have the advertising for brand A has persuaded me that it is better in fulfill my requirement under the advertisement, so in future I will buy brand A The advertisement pointed out that strengthen of the product which mean its communicating with the people. First, what is non-personal advertising? There are two basic ways to sell anything: personally and non-personally. Personal selling requires the seller and the buyer to get together. There are advantages and disadvantages to this. The first advantage is time: the seller has time to discuss in detail everything about the product. The buyer has time to ask questions, get answers, and examine evidence for or against purchase. Next, the seller can easily locate potential buyers. If you enter a store, you probably have an interest in something that store sells. Street vendors and door-to-door sellers can simply shout at possibilities, like McDonaldsretailer shop who call out, I say there, I would like to order food?, or knock at the door and start their spiel with an attention grabber. From there on they fit their message to the individual customer, taking all the time a customer is willing to give them. Disadvantages do exist. Personal selling is, naturally enough, expensive, since it is labor-intensive and deals with only one buyer at a time. Just imagine trying to sell chewing gum or guitar picks one-on-one; it would cost a dollar a stick or pick. In addition, its advantage of time is also a disadvantage. Personal selling is time-consuming. Selling a stereo or a car can take days, and major computer and airplane sales can take years. Nonetheless, although personal selling results in more rejections than sales, and can be nerve-racking, frustrating and ego destroying for the salesperson, when the salesperson is good it is more directed and successful than advertising. From the above, it appears that personal selling is much better than advertising, which is non-personal. This is true. Advertising has none of the advantages of personal selling: there is very little time in which to present the sales message, there is no way to know just who the customer is or how them is responding to the message, the message cannot be changed in mid-course to suit the customers reactions. Then why bother with advertising? Because its advantages exactly replace the disadvantages of personal selling and can emulate some of the advantages. First lets look at the latter. First, advertising has, comparatively speaking, all the time in the world. Unlike personal selling, the sales message and its presentation does not have to be created on the spot with the customer watching. It can be created in as many ways as the writer can conceive, be rewritten, tested, modified, injected with every trick and appeal known to affect consumers. (Some of the latter is the content of this book.) Second, although advertisers may not see the individual customer, nor be able to modify the sales message according to that individuals reactions at the time, it does have research about customers. The research can identify potential customers, find what message elements might influence them, and figure out how best to get that message to them. Although the research is meaningless when applied to any particular individual, it is effective when applied to large groups of customers. Third, and perhaps of most importance, advertising can be far cheaper per potential customer than personal selling. Personal selling is extremely labor-intensive, dealing with one customer at a time. Advertising deals with hundreds, thousands, or millions of customers at a time, reducing the cost per customer to mere pennies. In fact, advertising costs are determined in part using a formula to determine, not cost per potential customer, but cost per thousand potential customers. Thus, it appears that advertising is a good idea as a sales tool. For small ticket items, such as chewing gum and guitar picks, advertising is cost effective to do the entire selling job. For large ticket items, such as cars and computers, advertising can do a large part of the selling job, and personal selling is used to complete and close the sale. Advertising is non-personal, but effective. Facebook advertising method C:UsersYonGDesktopdddd.png The red arrow showing the Facebook advertisement People treat Facebook as an authentic part of their lives, so you can be sure you are connecting with real people with real interest in your products. Facebook Ads provided CM Photographic the ability to target their exact demographic 24-30 year old women whose relationship status on Facebook indicated that they were engaged. Over 12 months, CM Photographic generated nearly $40,000 in revenue directly from a $600 advertising investment on Facebook. Of the Facebook users who were directed to CM Photographic website from the ads, 60% became qualified leads and actively expressed interest in more information. I have found [Facebook Ads] SO effective. My business wouldnt be anywhere close to where it is today if it werent for Facebook, and the ads campaign. Chris Meyer, President From the information given, Facebook Ads makes it easy and cost-effective to quickly set up and manage your campaign. G5 found success setting up a series of Facebook Ad campaigns targeted to college students at 21 campuses prior to Summer break for StorQuestself-service storage facilities. Real-time suggested bids for our auction-based system provided guidance that enabled G5 to hone ad effectiveness based on their various targeting filters (age, college level and location). The results from StorQuests Facebook ad campaign were one of their highest performing online advertising efforts: Over 50% increase in total rentals versus prior year at the same store. 10% conversion rate from visits originating from Facebook Ads. On par with Google AdWords on a cost-per-lead and cost-per-customer basis. $1.25 CPC delivered $10.25 cost-per-lead. When you have a broader presence on Facebook with Facebook Pages or Facebook Events plus ads for instance, you can turn your advertising message into a trusted referral by including content from a users friends who are already affiliated with your products. ANA took this approach by creating a Facebook Page to acquire interested users for on-going messaging opportunities and developing a compelling advertising campaign. ANA used a creative grouping of keywords to target advertising to users specifically interested in traveling and Japanese culture and developed ad creative that resonated with their audience. Average campaigns for ANA result in CTR of 8 12%. Facebook Ads resulted in a 25% CTR. Conversions resulted in positive ROI which is unique for ANA considering their product is not an impulse purchase for most people and Japan is not traditionally seen as a leisure destination. If the company is running a Facebook Ad Campaign, they can choose to target Social Actions in their campaigns. With this feature enabled, those people who fan the Page may see the Ad listed among their News Feeds. Companies can also use the Facebook messaging system to communicate with their fans. The advantages and disadvantages of Facebook advertising method Advantages of Facebook advertising method Facebook Advertising. The popularity of facebook has become the top social network while its advertising is truly a goldmine for advertiser to use it as the facebook player owned over 39 billion page views a month and 400 million active users, its really a huge traffic source for firm to advertise their goods and service ,just like the way of there is a market ,supply will occurs when there is demand. The huge profit of Facebook advertising to internet marketing specialists and online advertisers is the social networking websites massive user base. In February 2010, Facebooks is celebrate of having 400 million active users from all around the world and the figure is still growing quickly. According to figure shows that the average Facebook user spends around 55 minutes a day on this social networking website.this is a positive symptom for the firm to advertise their goods on facebook as there are higher possibilities to let user to notice their ads. Highly Targeted Online Marketing Campaigns, Facebook advertising offers social media traffic instead of using typical tradisional search traffic. The new type or searching had leads to a different demographic targeting options, along with searching by unique keyword system. Facebooks advertising platform operate in a certain area or products that are designed for a specific age range. The facebook advertising media ,makes nine different ways to target audiences which are Location, Age, Gender, Keywords , Education, Workplace, Relationship Status, Relationship, Interests, Languages. All these are important to firm as they get to know which kind of consumer they are targeting . Customer Reach 400 million customers (100 million mobile users) cannot be ignored. Yes, there are more Google searches that are being done and one could argue that Google Ad words can reach more but with usage time on social media channels continuing to soar, the customer reach for Facebook advertising is monumental and needs to be utilized. Increased Targeting Because of its ability to dissect and segment customer information, Facebook has the ability to offer increased targeting for their advertisers. If you would like to only target women, ages 25-35 with a college education who live in Glendale, California, then you can do that. Similary when someone changes status (married, single, engaged) they move into new markets, making them more attractive to target. CPM or PPC Option Most ad networks only offer one or the other. Facebook allows you to determine whether you are more focused on exposure and awareness (CPM) or focused on conversion and providing more information (PPC). You must understanding your audience first, but it is nice to know that the option is there. Successful with Local Clients With the ability to target locally very precise, companies and services that are looking for local or regional clients can reap benefits from the Facebook advertising system. Disadvantages of Facebook advertising method Low Conversion Rates for eCommerce People are using Facebook to talk with their friends and socialize and rarely are thinking about buying something when they log into their Facebook account. This creates issues when companies are focusing on click through rate and high (>2.5-5%) conversion rates. Weird, Irrevelant Ads One thing that Facebook has continued to try and crack down on is advertising campaigns that make their way into the system that are irrevelant and are, at times, off putting to users of the system. Free giveways, rewards programs and humor sites have continued to flood the system, giving the ads less relevance when the consumer is viewing them. High PPC Cost for Niche Markets Marketers and bloggers have complained that PPC costs for niche markets, that would normally provide a low cost, are similar to pricing for general terms and demographic targeting. Facebook will need to continue to optimize their pricing model to make sure niche markets like chicago wedding photographers can afford to use this engine to attract traffic to their site. Costs-per-click tend to be higher than other companies for popular niches. Not as versatile as Google, for instance, with no suggestion of keywords. You really need to know your market to make conversions. These users are not on Facebook to buy. There are there to socialize. On the other hand, when someone types in size 8, Calvin Klein, white skinny body jeans into a search engine, she wants to buy. Someone on Facebook talking about or interested in designer jeans is not necessarily interested in your ad to sell them jeans. Facebook is more private in the sense that people keep to themselves, and trust their group or clique. You have to bother people while they are doing something they enjoy, like looking at Grandmas photos or exchanging recipes with girlfriends. This is called interruption marketing and is not always seen in a positive light. FB is not a direct sales venue. You need to understand how a sales funnel works to build trust to get leads rather than sales on the spur of t he moment. Can consume resources and waste a lot of money. With Adwords, it is possible to test ads by showing two similar ads to everyone. This is apparently not effective on Facebook because you are not targeting whole countries. And many internet marketers say it is too costly to experiment. Users complain that ads are not relevant to their interests so they have no reason to even go further. Improvement for facebook advertising method IQ Tests Ads IQ tests are by far the most popular advertisement scams on Facebook. While browsing the Facebook social network, youre sure to have come across ads that display the fake IQ test results of your friends or celebrities. In a pure case of I know they arent smarter than me most Facebook users are baited into falling for the IQ test advertisement scam. These ads are made to fit well into the design of Facebook, but once clicked; this scam will redirect you to another website where all of the scamming will begin. Ironically, by clicking the link of this advertisement scam, youve already failed the real IQ test. These ads will have you answer a list of seemingly legitimate questions, but in the end, they sink their teeth in for the real scam. In order to see the results of your IQ test, youll have to sign over your first born child submit your cell phone number and will be charged as much as $20 a month. Nice going smarty pants. Dating Ads Facebook is plagued with thousands of ads with scantily clad, well endowed, and playfully slutty women that happen to be single, and by sheer coincidence live in your hometown. Dating advertisement scams usually say things like Lonely, 18 (21), and single, Im bored, half naked, and looking to get completely naked tonight or other messages that should immediately trigger your brain with a scam alert; if all the blood in your body hadnt escaped from your brain to gather in another area. These ads are nothing but dating site scams and youll be out of cash just to receive teases on another site. To publish to people who have liked your Web page, Open Graph tags must be added to the Web page. The required Open Graph tags for publishing can be found. Once added, you can publish via our interface by clicking on the admin page link to the right of the Like button.( link only visible to the admins defined via Open Graph tags on the Web page). The best pratices for publishing is we found that involving emoational topics, passinate debates, and imprortant storts event have the activity of other stories. Status updates which ask simple question or encourage a user to like the story which haven given and stories publisher in the early morning or later evening have higher engagement. Banner advertising method C:UsersYonGDesktopasdasdasdad.png The Arrow showing the banner advertising method A banner ad is an image shown on a webpage for advertising purposes. Along with animation, contemporary ad banners often use simple forms of interaction as a lure, taking advantage of plug-ins such as Flash and Shockwave to create banner-based games. As you can see, advertisers came to the conclusion that banner ads were not as effective as full-page magazine ads or 30-second TV commercials. At the same time, there was an incredible glut of advertising space, thousands of sites had a million or more page impressions available per month, and companies like DoubleClick began collecting these sites into massive pools of banner-ad inventory. The economic principle of supply and demand works the same way on the Web as it does everywhere else, so the rates paid for banner advertising began to plummet. Undoubtedly you know what banner ads are; youve seen innumerable ones as youve surfed across countless websites. You may have already clicked on a number of them. Banner ads take different shapes and sizes, and many forms and styles, but they share a common goal: attracting visitors! Banner ads usually contain graphics, sometimes they are entirely text and others they use graphics and text. The main idea of a banner ad is to present an interesting idea to the surfer and have them click on it for more information, leading them to the advertisers site. Banner ads come in many sizes, the most popular, is a full banner (468 x 60), but all styles are used. Some people claim you should stay away from using full banner ads as they are already so common that most surfers avoid them. Obviously placing banners that advertise your site on other websites costs money. There are several ways of paying for this type of advertising. You may pay per click on the banner; per thousand clicks; per sales to visitors directed to you, or another form. How much banner ads work for you will depend on a variety of things? Where you place the ads, how relevant the sites hosting the ad are to your site; what your ads look like, how appealing they are; how clear they are about what you are advertising, etc. Placing the ads on sites related to yours is vitally important, i.e. people surfing for watches will probably not be interested in an ad for parachutes. Your ads should be attractive, preferably animated, clear and to the point. They should be advertising a specific product or service, not just the name of your site. People who click on the ad should be able to find the product or service in question with relative ease. Ideally, the ad should lead directly to it. The advantages and disadvantages of Banner advertising method Advantages of using Banner advertising method Get a structured and well thought out campaign advantages of hiring a banner advertising agency to conduct your campaign is the fact that your campaign will be in the hands of the professionals and therefore it will be conducted in a sensible and professional manner. This structured campaign will also lead to better results. You will also save a lot of time when you hire a company such as this. This is because you will not have to spend any time figuring out the ground work. Professionally designed banners and email marketing agencies have professionals that work on the job. Therefore you can be assured that if you outsource your campaign to them you will have banners that are professional looking and catchy promoting your products. You must remember that a banner will be of no use if it cannot grab the attention of the people on that page. Getting your banner advertisement designed by the professionals give you a clear cut advantage as the professionals know exactly what works and what doesnt. Being in the right place at the right time another very big advantage that you have when you hire an online advertising agency to help with your banner advertising is the fact that they know exactly where to place you banner to ensure that you get the desired results. Banners such as these can only be placed on websites that have content similar to what the banner is promoting. Therefore instead of you doing all the research to figure out where you banner can be placed, the agency will do it for you. That way you get to focus on other aspects of your business Low cost is the main thing. Even if the Internet ads can be displayed as very comprehensive compared to other media, it is definitely much cheaper than most. Internet Ad Packages are offered as low as $ 10.00 for a period of one month, or by a set amount of hits, depending on the advertiser you go with. Disadvantages of using banner advertising method Online banner advertising provides a method of getting click through to the advertisers site. The biggest of the online advertising disadvantages, is cost. Banner ads are also being frowned upon because it affects website speed and traffic. Like any other graphics, banner ads take time to load. This and the idea that they create clutter can discourage some visitors. Another of the online advertising disadvantages is that bigger ads catch attention. But not every advertiser can afford bigger ads and oftentimes, the banner exchanges only accept a standard ad size. Finally, some search engines never have or are no longer accepting banner ad placements, relying instead on targeted ads and paid listings. To them, the most important of the online advertising disadvantages is interference with the user experience. For example, Google, the number one search engine, offers a user-friendly interface that relies on contextual advertising. Basically, they put text ads on non-search pages that fit based on content. Using online banner images can really come in handy. Especially if you do not have your own website. You can normally just copy and paste the codes in and have your banner up and running. They are great for websites to. But there are some times when your banner may stop working. If this happens to you then here are a few troubleshooting problems that may solve the issue. The biggest reason why most online banner images stop working is because people make chances to the codes they were given. They chance where the banner links to or rewrite what is in the alt section. Doing this can get your banner codes deleted from their service without warning. This will leave you will a image with a small red x in the middle. You must not chance the code at all to keep the image working. A simple solution to this is to download the image to your PC and then upload it to your web hosting service. Then you can link your ad to any place you want without fear of it being cancelled. Unfortunately some free site services do not give you this option so you will have to use the codes as they are given to you. You can always create your own link underneath the banner for people to click to if that helps. Another one of those troubleshooting problems can be quite simple. You may not have copied all of the code you were given. Just missing one character can prevent your online banner image from working. Double check to make sure that you got all of the code. Sometimes a banner can get blocked by other java scripts on your site. Your troubleshooting problems could start with you removing other codes off your site one by one to see which one is blocking it. When you find the right one you will then have to decide which one stays or goes. Since not all codes can work on the same page at the same time it will be a little bit of a challenge to find the code that your online banners image does work with. Unless you have lots of different codes it shouldnt take you long to find. It could be a easy as the banner site that you used have either went offline or experiencing technical difficulties. Check to see if they still exist and if they do contact them with your problem. There are times when you can run into issues of your online banner images working on the web from other computers but not from yours. This is one of those troubleshooting problems that can be confusing. There could be several reasons why this may occur. You may just need to update your java software to the latest version. There could be spyware that is blocking the code from coming up so scan your PC with the protection you are using and with an online service you trust. If you decide to rent the help of a professional, a freelancer or a company for the production of your site and /or advertising for your product or service, of course it costs more than if you did it yourself. For more information logon to .While the costs can advance an initial disadvantage, the results in the long term may in fact be very beneficial if you have the right people to work with. Improvement of using banner advertising method Using banner advertising effectively and to create a banner ads isnt all that difficult, you just need to know what to do right? For those of you who dont know this marketing method: its a paid marketing method to promote your business or product by means of placing a banner advertisement on other websites. This could either be a banner exchange, or you simply pay another website to have your banner placed. It is a very powerful and effective method if you know how to design a good banner ad. Lets take a closer look. Using Banner Advertising Effectively 3 Golden Rules For Effective Banner Ads Golden rule 1. Whats the benefit for your customers? Effective banner ads will always communicate the main benefit(s) to your prospective clients. If your product makes people loose weight for instance, then its obvious to make your headline something like: Loose 10 Pounds In Just One Week! Banner ads will have to include the benefit of your product or service in the main headline. Communicating benefits to people gets your attention. Effectively implementing banner advertising generates a much higher click through rate. Golden Rule 2. Graphics are not as effective as text! When using banners for advertising, you also want the headline of the banner ad to stand out. Make the headline (thus the benefit of your product or business) in big bolded letters. I always use the Arial font for my effective banner ads. This font is easy to read from computer screens. Using banner advertising effectively means that you also need to include another 2-3 lines of text to the banner. Perhaps you can mention some extra benefits or additional info about the service, product or business. Check out the site you are going to banner advertise. Golden Rule 3. Include instructions for your prospects. Tell them what to do next!A lack of communication in banner ads will make your campaign fail. If you want to start using banner advertising effectively, a banner ad MUST include a Call-2-Action. Instruct your audience what to do. Include text that tell people what to do such as Show Me Now, Visit Us Now or Show Me The Biz. It will make the click through rate go up and so will the conversions to sales, generating more profits for you. Of course there are many more golden rules to follow for effective banner ads, but the above 3 are the most important for using banner advertising effectively. Using the method of advertising with banners and creating banner ads that are effective is just one method of marketing to advertise your business and to drive traffic to your website. Let me show you where you can see all the other 50 or so proven and powerful marketing methods, strategies tips and tricks to market virtually any product or business online. Pop-up advertising method A pop-up ad is an ad that pops up in its own window when you go to a page. It obscures the Web page that you are trying to read, so you have to close the window or move it out of the way. Pop-under ads are similar, but place themselves under the content you are trying to read and are therefore less intrusive. A typical site with two pop-up ads that appear on top of the home page A pop-up ad is a pop-up window used for advertising. When the program is initiated by some user action, such as a mouse click or a mouse over , a window containing an offer for some product or service appears in the foreground of the visual interface. Like all pop-ups, a pop-up ad is smaller than the background interface windows that fill the user interface are called replacement interfaces and usually resembles a small browser window with only the close, minimize, and maximize options at the top. A variation on the pop-up ad, the pop-under , is a window that loads behind the Web page that youre viewing, only to appear when you leave that Web site. Pop-up and pop-under ads annoy many users because they clutter up the desktop and take time to close. However, they are much more effective than banner ads. Whereas a banner ad might get two to five clicks per 1,000 impressions, a pop-up ad might average 30 clicks. Therefore, advertisers are willing to pay more for pop-up and pop-under ads. Typically, a pop-up ad will pay the Web site four to 10 times more than a banner ad. That is why you see so many pop-up ads on the Web today. Pop-up windows come in many different shapes and sizes, typically in a scaled-down browser window with only the Close, Minimize and Maximize commands. There is a strong resentment by some Web surfers towards pop-up ads. Marketers often do not realize the ill-will generated by pop-ups because it is easier to click the close button than send an email to complain. What can often be seen is an above-average click-through rate, although some of this can come from false positives, unintentional clicks when the pop-up gets in the way of the desired target. Advertisers can get a better picture of the effectiveness of pop-up advertising by paying attention to conversion rates and return on investment (ROI). Pop-up ads are not popular with the average Web surfer, and there are several products that disable them, such as Pop-up Stopper, Pop-up Killer, and Pop-up Annihilator. One thing to look for in such a program is the ability to differentiate between user-initiated pop-up windows and others, because many other applications (such as Webcast s, for example) make use of pop-up windows. If a pop-up stopper utility cant tell the difference between a pop-up window that the user has requested and an unsought pop-up ad, the program may cause more problems for the user than it solves. The advantages and disadvantages of pop-up advertising method Advantages of using pop-up advertising method they offer the example of Web giants like Yahoo! and Google Inc. who also offer their users pop-up ads. The site owners cite this precedent as justification
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Alternative Medicine :: essays papers
Alternative Medicine Throughout recorded history, people of various cultures have relied on what Western medical practitioners today call alternative medicine. The term alternative medicine covers a broad range of healing philosophies, approaches, and therapies. It generally describes those treatments and health care practices that are outside mainstream Western health care. People use these treatments and therapies in a variety of ways. Alternative therapies used alone are often referred to as alternative; when used in combination with other alternative therapies, or in addition to conventional therapies they are referred to as complementary. Some therapies are far outside the realm of accepted Western medical theory and practice, but some, like chiropractic treatments, are now established in mainstream medicine. Worldwide, only an estimated ten to thirty percent of human health care is delivered by conventional, biomedically oriented practitioners ("Fields of Practice"). The remaining seventy to ninety percent ranges from self-care according to folk principles, to care given in an organized health care system based on alternative therapies ("Fields of Practice"). Many cultures have folk medicine traditions that include the use of plants and plant products. In ancient cultures, people methodically collected information on herbs and developed well-defined herbal pharmacopoeias. Indeed, well into the twentieth century much of the pharmacology of scientific medicine was derived from the herbal lore of native peoples. Many drugs commonly used today are of herbal origin: one-quarter of the prescription drugs dispensed by community pharmacies in the United States contain at least one active ingredient derived from plant material ("Fields of Practice"). Twenty years ago, few physicians would have advised patients to take folic acid to prevent birth defects, vitamin E to promote a healthy heart, or vitamin C to bolster their immune systems. Yet today, doctor and patient alike know of the lifesaving benefits of these vitamins. Twenty years ago, acupuncture, guided imagery, and therapeutic touch were considered outright quackery. Now, however, in clinics and hospitals around the country, non-traditional therapies are gaining wider acceptance as testimonials and studies report success using them to treat such chronic maladies as back pain and arthritis. The number of people availing themselves of these alternative therapies is staggering. In 1991 about twenty-one million Americans made four hundred and twenty-five million visits to practitioners of these types of alternative medicine; more than the estimated three hundred and eighty-eight million visits made to general practitioners that year (Apostolides). The U.S. Department of Education has accredited more than twenty acupuncture schools and more than thirty medical schools now offer courses in acupuncture (Lombardo; Smith). As the number of Western medical institutions researching alternative therapies increases, the legitimacy of at least some alternative therapies will also increase. Alternative Medicine :: essays papers Alternative Medicine Throughout recorded history, people of various cultures have relied on what Western medical practitioners today call alternative medicine. The term alternative medicine covers a broad range of healing philosophies, approaches, and therapies. It generally describes those treatments and health care practices that are outside mainstream Western health care. People use these treatments and therapies in a variety of ways. Alternative therapies used alone are often referred to as alternative; when used in combination with other alternative therapies, or in addition to conventional therapies they are referred to as complementary. Some therapies are far outside the realm of accepted Western medical theory and practice, but some, like chiropractic treatments, are now established in mainstream medicine. Worldwide, only an estimated ten to thirty percent of human health care is delivered by conventional, biomedically oriented practitioners ("Fields of Practice"). The remaining seventy to ninety percent ranges from self-care according to folk principles, to care given in an organized health care system based on alternative therapies ("Fields of Practice"). Many cultures have folk medicine traditions that include the use of plants and plant products. In ancient cultures, people methodically collected information on herbs and developed well-defined herbal pharmacopoeias. Indeed, well into the twentieth century much of the pharmacology of scientific medicine was derived from the herbal lore of native peoples. Many drugs commonly used today are of herbal origin: one-quarter of the prescription drugs dispensed by community pharmacies in the United States contain at least one active ingredient derived from plant material ("Fields of Practice"). Twenty years ago, few physicians would have advised patients to take folic acid to prevent birth defects, vitamin E to promote a healthy heart, or vitamin C to bolster their immune systems. Yet today, doctor and patient alike know of the lifesaving benefits of these vitamins. Twenty years ago, acupuncture, guided imagery, and therapeutic touch were considered outright quackery. Now, however, in clinics and hospitals around the country, non-traditional therapies are gaining wider acceptance as testimonials and studies report success using them to treat such chronic maladies as back pain and arthritis. The number of people availing themselves of these alternative therapies is staggering. In 1991 about twenty-one million Americans made four hundred and twenty-five million visits to practitioners of these types of alternative medicine; more than the estimated three hundred and eighty-eight million visits made to general practitioners that year (Apostolides). The U.S. Department of Education has accredited more than twenty acupuncture schools and more than thirty medical schools now offer courses in acupuncture (Lombardo; Smith). As the number of Western medical institutions researching alternative therapies increases, the legitimacy of at least some alternative therapies will also increase.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
I Love Quotes
Those who understand, teach. Positive mind, Positive thinking , Will make us healthier, Love everyone and everyone will love you. Everyone hears what you said, Friends listen to what you said, Best friends listen to what you don't said. Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win. The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends. Sometimes, owing less is better than knowing too much.Don't overused your heart, save it for someone who owned for it. Speak the truth even if it's against you, Do good to people even if they harm you and Make relations to those who cut you off. Be sincere and look for the one who is sincere, sincerity in love is perfection. Whatever comes from the heart, reaches the heart. A great attitude becomes a great day which becomes a great month which becomes a great year which becomes a great li fe. When you come out of the storm you won't be the same person who walked in. That's hat this storm's all about.You teach people how to treat you by what you allow, what you stop, and what you reinforce. No matter how carefully you choose your words, they'll always end up being twisted by others. Don't worry about your problems, but don't ignore it. Solve it. Find the solution. Be true to yourself. Everyone has problems. Some people are Just better at hiding them than others. Kindly take notes. A smile is the lighting system of the face, the cooling system of the head and the heating system of the heart. It's not about having the skill to do something.It's about having the will, desire & commitment to be your best. Do what makes you happy, nothing else matters. The less you care, the happier you will be. Sometimes, as you grow smarter, your heart grows harder. Open your mouth only if what you are going to say is more beautiful than the silence. Hold on to whatever keeps you happy. Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get. It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be wrong, than to be always right by having no ideas at all. Don't stress. Do your best. Forget the rest.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Sexual Abuse As A Public Health Concern - 1306 Words
Sexual Abuse as a Public Health Concern Heather Gagnon 10/6/15 Sexual abuse is a major public health concern in our country that affects numerous men and women of all ages. According to, â€Å"Sexual abuse refers to any action that pressures or coerces someone to do something sexually they don’t want to do. It can also refer to behavior that impacts a person’s ability to control their sexual activity or the circumstances in which sexual activity occurs, including oral sex, rape or restricting access to birth control and condoms.†Most perpetrators are known by the victims and can include romantic partners, family members and acquaintances ( â€Å"Sexual Violence: Facts at a Glance†, 2012). Sexual abuse is also becoming an†¦show more content†¦Childhood sexual abuse survivors may suffer from body issues including eating disorders, and mental disorders including anxiety and depression. Children may have sexual and relationship problems that affect them throughout their lives. Victims m ay also suffer from multiple physical effects that are detrimental to health including chronic pain, sexually transmitted infections, cervical cancer and other complications with the reproduction tract. Unplanned pregnancies are a huge concern as well. The long-term emotional consequences associated with sexual abuse can lead to victims engaging in risky health behaviors. Victims are more likely to have unprotected sex, have multiple partners and become involved in prostitution and they are more likely to suffer from substance abuse with drugs and alcohol ( â€Å"Sexual Violence Consequences†, 2015) In order to prevent sexual abuse from occurring, public health workers need to take charge in administering preventive techniques for populations as a whole as well as focusing on those individuals with risk factors that create a greater chance of sexually abusing others. According to the CDC, individual risk factors for becoming perpetrators include alcohol and drug use, d elinquency, empathic deficits, general aggressiveness and acceptance of violence, early sexual initiation, coercive sexual fantasies, preference for impersonal sex and sexual-risk taking, exposure to sexually explicit media,
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